Two Poems
Shopping, Cooking and Creativity
- Writing grocery lists
- of the best buys
- and spending more money
- to save.
- Finding security
- in stock-piled shelves
- of spaghetti sauce, kidney
- beans and cream of mushroom soup.
- Creativity seeping into ways
- of stretching a quarter kilo of beef.
- Men don’t think of this.
- Can grab lunch
- someone else has made.
- I wish my mother
- was here to cook
- instead.
I Lie Watching You
- In the dusk
- of morning your ritual
- of getting ready for work
- and our parting kiss.
- A year ago
- singleness
- an accepted state
- with individual visions
- of our own futures.
- Now our lives
- wound tightly together
- turn past years
- into a day.
- Time swept aside
- by the reality
- of your kiss.
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