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#Online Exclusives3
The Writer’s Corner
Finding the Form with MJ Malleck
Penance took six years to reveal itself to me, and because it kept me at the drafting board, it also taught me about my personal writing process. I notice, now, my reflex tendencies, and can choose to follow or subvert them with each new piece. I began writing the story in 2018. I’d visited Getty […]
Celebration of Love: Reading Recommendations
To celebrate Valentine’s day, TNQ has collected a variety of works from our latest issues, 171, 172, and 173. The chosen stories focus on love and relationships in all of their varieties and complexities. These reads will be available, regardless of subscription status, until February 21 for our audience to enjoy! Poetry “Swan Dive” by […]
Christina Wells’ Reading Space
Writing space. Just saying these two words out loud gets me a little agitated. They bring up vague but strong feelings around securing space, fighting for space, sharing space, paying for space — hard work, guilt, scrambling, trying to settle. I like Mary Oliver’s gentle prodding in her book, “A Poetry Handbook.” She writes about […]
#The Big Annual Bash3
The Wild Writers Festival: Poetry and Prose That’s Out There
The New Quarterly is proud to present the Wild Writers Literary Festival. Join us for a celebration of the feral and free and its expression in poetry, the short story, and everything in between. Create, learn, discover and share the art of groundbreaking writing.
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