#Issue 1733
- Knee-Deep (A Love Story) Kari Lund-Teigen
- Almost Sexual Glenn Willmott
- After June Cree Nomad
- The Bermuda Triangle Parastoo Geranmayeh
- Nat in New York James Dunnigan
- Solstice Kathleen Keenan
- With Church Change Daniel Bay
- Twin Talk Courtney Bill
- The Hawthorne Effect Stephen J. Price
- A Sensitive Man Drinks Yellow Flowers Curtis McRae
- The Edges Yagaba'a
- Southwesterly Winds Helen Knott
- The Sailboat James Southworth
- Two Bodies in Flight Nayani Jensen
- Penance MJ Malleck
#Issue 1723
- Lost Girls Amber Fenik
- Swimming Lessons Samantha Jade Macpherson
- The Detective Paul Hamann
- Picturing Bears Braedan Houtman
- En attendant Guillaume Imola Eva Zsitva
- Döstädning Renée D. Bondy
- The Dead Mothers Candice May
- Staying Power Georgia Berg
- Beyond Beauty and Death Michele Wong
- Bellyache Sandra Maxson
#Issue 1713
- Rushing the Landing Trish Sissons
- Soil Samples Glenn Clifton
- Tephra Kaye Miller
- 4 AM Emmy Nordstrom Higdon
- Pocket Full of Rye Robert Benz
- Full Term Molly McCarron
- The Ghost House Nadine McInnis
- The Undertaking Paul Ruban
- Wildflower Ladies Megan Beadle
- Carve Our Names Nadja Lubiw-Hazard
- Beginning Nikita Easton-Lusignan
- Run-Off Season Adrian Markle
- Just College Shit Tam Eastley
- Is This My Christine? Sue Murtagh
- A Rock of Offence Eric Lee
#Issue 1703
- The Calvin Dover Show Alex Pugsley
- Lemon Print Scarf Mina Sharif
- Cozy Island Terese Svoboda
- Paulina Pamela Hensley
- Resilience Heather Debling
- Soap Nedda Sarshar
- The Bodies Mark Anthony Jarman
- In the Western City Rishi Midha
- Harold Daryl Bruce
#Issue 1693
- You, On Your Thirty-Fifth Birthday Emma Williamson
- Strike Terry Doyle
- The Condolence Visit Oluwatoke Adejoye
- Escape Michael Lithgow
- Slippery Mind Allegiance Gillie Easdon
- Complicated Tricia Dower
- Flight Paths Carol Bruneau
- Margaret Lena Scholman
- A Strange, Small Freedom Katie Bickell
- A New Look for Chea Rachana David Hood
- Turtle Mountain Stephen Finucan
- Rain Samuel W M Lebaron
#Issue 1683
- Singing for the Gods Deepa Rajagopalan
- Dancing in the Snow Kate Black
- Fleuve Amandine Coquaz
- Bruise and Shine Alex Kitt
- Prepper Megan Callahan
- Geoff with a G Dustin Moon
- Little Things Andrea Lynn Koohi
- Up, Up Adam Grant Warren
- Woodward’s Joanna Reid
- The Marksman Rory Say
- Parka Kate Dervishi
#Issue 1673
- Rain Samuel W M Lebaron
- Body of Sand ViNa Nguyen
- String Theory Jake Tobin Garrett
- Morning Lemons Scott Armstrong
- A Day Kate Cayley
- The Edge of Portugal Joshua Levy
- Feels Like Both Maleeka Ellaithy
- Certainty Carousel Calvo
- Miss Touchy Feely Colette Maitland
- Lucky Matthew Fox
- Two Poems Carlee Bouillon
- Little Girl Lost Lisa Alward
#Issue 1663
- Hotel Viviane Curtis John McRae
- Nest Clea Young
- Bonnie Morgan Dick
- Keepsake Vivian (Xiao Wen) Li
- The Barn Owl Richard Owen
- In the Bowers Alanna Marie Scott
- Anna, Knitting Cate Sandilands
- Irasshaimase Saya Watanabe
- Two For Tea Ariel Marken Jack
- Generations Bobbie Jean Huff
- Brother Anthony Emma Hooper
- Condolence Benjamin Lefebvre
#Issue 1653
- Room for Rent Margaret Watson
- Let Hope Divert Them Jamaluddin Aram
- It’s Nice to be Nice J.R. Patterson
- Automatic Life John Bugg
- The Paradise Motel Rea Tarvydas
- The River Noriko Hoshino
- Fifty Dollars Joe Davies
- Ghosting Susanne Fletcher
- Born—Died Alice Zorn
#Issue 1643
- Dollhouse Amber Fenik
- Nils Wanting Eleanor Fuller
- Sofiya’s Choice Tristan Marajh
- The Children’s Book of Questions and Answers Kelly Pedro
- I Am Jessica Sahlstrom
- Animals in Captivity K. R. Segriff
- Trusting the Process Pamela Mulloy
- To Break the Liquid Moon Sarah Totton
- Cavity Nests Sandhya Thakrar
- A Chorus of Injuries Traci Skuce
- The Names of Bones Stephanie Teruko Tamagi
#Issue 1633
- White Lightning Scar Across the Knuckles Ian Mallov
- Florence Hilary Ball
- (In)auspicious Alana Rigby
- Everything is a Thing Now Susan Smith
- Slaughter the Animal Rachel Lachmansingh
- Melody, or, the Journal of Self-Abuse Bill Gaston
- Mercy Rebecca Păpucaru
- Or Maybe, You Lindsay Michiels
- New Moon Unhinged Ronald Zajac
- Coffin Dancing Chris Kuriata
- Remains Judith Pond
- First Movement Kristine Sahagun
- The Last Time She Saw Charlie Carol Hay
- Let Her Taste Salt Carrie Snyder
- Departure Katarina Vuckovic
#Issue 1623
- The Bar JP Rodriguez
- The Good News Veronica Fredericks
- Catalogue Elliott Gish
- Stories from Dry Land Rishi Midha
- Hearth Jeremy Colangelo
- The Widowed Tourist in Cuba Turns Her Thoughts Homeward Lucia Gagliese
#Issue 1613
- To Carthage Stephen Finucan
- That Lift of Flight Lauren Carter
- Instructions for the Drowning Steven Heighton
- Sugarcane Haneen J. Iqbal
- Métro vs. Métro Emira Tufo
- A Picnic with Aunties Preeti Kaur Dhaliwal
- The Birthing Pool Bruce Geddes
- The Plot Michele Alba
- Chick Katherine Barrett
- The Octopus Kari Lund-Teigan
#Issue 1603
- Tongueless and Laceless Sadi Muktadir
- Mushroom Girl Lizzie Derksen
- Better than Good Pamela Mulloy
- Something Really Unbelievable Nicole Leona Smith
- Mud Angels Alison Stevenson
- Dubbel Dubbel Days Zarmina Rafi
- Phénakisticope Jamie Michaels
#Issue 1593
- Gardens in the Minibus Canisia Lubrin
- Poor Little Thing Wayne Yetman
- Trophy Anji Samarasekera
- Stray Dandelions Mehdi M. Kashani
- Mango Madness Jane Finlayson
- Some Worse Orin Krest
- Migration Rowena McGowan
- Roncesvalles Jody Mason
- Birds Sasha Boczkowski
- Ms. Khokhar Goes to Killbear C. White
#Issue 1583
- Paper Umbrellas Alison Braid
- The Echoes are All Mine Brent van Staalduinen
- Violin Lessons Cait Lachman
- Almost Touching Carmella Gray-Cosgrove
- Public Diddler Georgina Beaty
- Smoke Lake J.P Letkemann
- Till I’m Me Again Joshua Wales
- The Enemy of Reason in the Sunshine State Kate O'Gorman
- Escape Route Phoebe Wang
- Tilt Tamas Dobozy
#Issue 1573
- It Freed You, Didn’t It? Natalia Zdaniuk
- Hyacinth Girl Lisa Alward
- I Feel Better When You’re Here Nicole Baute
- As Green As the Grass Grows Tim Bowling
- Plenty of Fish Heather Paul
- The Dish Cynthia Flood
- The Sleep of Apples Ami Sands Brodoff
- Leopard Miriam Clavir
- Jess’n me & that miracle ending Melody Goetz
- The Land of Clouds Alice Zorn
#Issue 1563
- The Place of Broken Glass Sarah Wishloff
- Hold Me Under Till I See the Light Shaelin Bishop
- All the Dreamers on the Run Doretta Lau
- Big Yellow Taxi Ian Roy
- Dead Birds Don Gillmor
- Water Signs Joshua Wales
- Garden Man Jessica Block
- Paper Crowns Tasneem Jamal
- Hyacinth Clea Young
- Count Your Blessings (or A Guide for the Modern Anchoress) Heather Debling
- Connectedness Pamela Mulloy
#Issue 1553
- Animalia Andrew J. Simpson
- Paisley Black, Last Will and So Forth John O'Neill
- Stalemate Scott Armstrong
- Swamp Things David Huebert
- The Sanctuary Deb Stark
- Something Stupid Margaret Nowaczyk
- Exit Strategy Meg Todd
- Solitaire Deborah-Anne Tunney
- Downsizing Colette Maitland
#Issue 1543
- Amygdule Theressa Slind
- Levi’s Practice Deborah Vail
- Doc Kate Cayley
- Had It and Lost It Ryan Paterson
- Raft Fraser Calderwood
- If This Is An Emergency Kari Lund-Teigen
- Murmuration Pam Dillon
- Watching Her Breath Jann Everard
- Cinnamon Jerri Jerreat
#Issue 1533
- After Walter Chris Masterman
- Parting Thoughts from the Great Preslow Avi Sirlin
- This is about running in Jerusalem Sivan Slapak
- Pluperfection jp Rodriguez
- He of the Holy Birth Jennifer Batler
- Dancing with the Christians Glen Huser
- Jericho Rachel Rose
- Redirection Silvia Pikal
#Issue 1523
- The Underside of a Wing Paola Ferrante
- Amphibios Andrea L. Mozarowski
- Excavate Credence McFadzean
- Satellites Allison Lasorda
- The Marriage Broker Mahak Jain
- Once to Admire Pamela Mulloy
- Solitaire Jeanie Keogh
- As Animals Elly Graff
- The Somatics of Water Marcia Walker
#Issue 1513
- The Leaving Trees Halle Gulbrandsen
- Fire Breathing Patricia Robertson
- Male and Female Created He Them Ami Sands Brodoff
- Listening to Photographs J.L. Orchard
- Dreamcatcher Rebekah Skochinski
- Something Fun to do on a Beautiful Day Jessica Westhead
- Skin Katherine Barrett
#Issue 1503
- We All Want to Change the World Marilo Nuñez
- True Places Sadiqa de Meijer
- Things You Find on the Side of the Road Glenna Anne Turnbull
- Accidental Julie Paul
- Yours to Keep Margaret Nowaczyk
- The Realtor Natalie Southworth
- An Accent Built in London Alex MacKay
- Happy Enough Stephen Maude
- Compressed Images Mark Burgess
- Manatee Love Robby MacPhail
- The Art of Dying Nadja Lubiw-Hazard
#Issue 1493
- Wise Men Say Lisa Alward
- The Summit Robert Shaw
- The River Road, She Rides Sarah Totten
- Vancouver 1965 Aviva Dale Martin
- Leaving Home Mohamad Kebbewar
- In The Garden Adan Jerreat-Poole
- Three Stories Valerie Compton
- The Deciding Problem Sonal Champsee
- The Great and the Gone Richard Kelly Kemick
- Moving Cynthia Flood
- Sixteenth-Century Girl Carrie Snyder
- Too Late a Soldier Scott Armstrong
- Two Postscripts Fiona Foster
#Issue 1483
- Exposing Esther Sandra Cunha
- The Last Thunderstorm Swim of the Summer Katie Zdybel
- Bayfront Brent van Staalduinen
- The Most Precious Substance on Earth Shashi Bhat
- Tempest, Late Spring Grant Munroe
- Shellie’s Garden jp Rodriguez
- Humanity’s Wing Daniel Scott Tysdal
#Issue 1473
- Archie Craig Ringrose
- Lemons Nancy Baele
- Crocodile in the Elevator Gail Marlene Schwartz
- On Sulphur Mountain Catherine Austen
- Caribbean Queens Veronica Fredericks
- Dome John Van Rys
- Echoes of the Voiceless Evangeline Jones
- The Taste of Memory Tristan Tavis Marajh
#Issue 1463
- Wisdom Sheila Murray
- Stunts Ron Schafrick
- House-sitting in Iqaluit Mary Thaler
- Art of Camouflage Sara Mang
- Bloody Nothing Kathy Page
- Sheepasnörus Rex J.R. McConvey
- Six Six Two Fifty David Huebert
- Happy Trails Kerry Clare
- Acorns Wayne Yetman
#Issue 1453
- New Year’s Eve John Gould
- Not For a Farm Out East Lisa McLean
- Everything, These Days Kari Lund-Tiegen
- Fairy Tales for Survivors Frances Boyle
- Dysplastic Man! Christine Higdon
- Through the Sidelights Jann Everard
- The Transformation Jerri Jerreat
- Moccasins Over Stones Laura Schwager
- Your Snowflakes, This Jar Lynn Cecil
- This is VE4OH Jena Schmitt
- New Shoes Beverley Shaw
#Issue 1443
- Spires Tamas Dobozy
- Necessity Brett Josef Grubisic
- Ryan & Irene, Irene & Ryan Paige Cooper
- The Farm Carla K. Stewart
- Kiint Bill Gaston
- Random Swerves Julie Roorda
- David Sweeney invited you to his event My 33rd Birthday! Matthew Harris
- End Times Michelle Syba
- They Will Go to Loch Ness Martha Wilson
- The Mataram Miracle Shannon Blake
#Issue 1433
- Beneath the Taps: A Testimonial Anakana Schofield
- Babylon Did Fall Phedra Deonarine
- You Are So Embarrassing Souvankham Thammavongsa
- Pinky Finger Ha Seong-Nan (translated by Janet Hong)
- Homing Pigeons Zehra Naqvi
- The Affairs of Men Hanako Masutani
- All the Same Ágota Kristóf (Translated by Pasha Malla)
- River House Amanda Leduc
- Let Go of My Hair, Sir! Nilofar Shidmehr
#Issue 1423
- Set List Claire Tacon
- Stop. Rewind. Stop. Eleni Polychronakos
- Bear Stories Cary Fagan
- Mayfly Philip Huynh
- From a High Place Meghan Bell
- Exposing Our Skins Sivan Slapak
- Baby Full Moon Madeline Sonik
#Issue 1413
- With Morah It’s A Different Story Stephen Maude
- Olly Olly Oxen Free K.D. Miller
- Never Prosper Liz Harmer
- Goat Mouth Pamela Mordecai
- Melodious Voice of a Woman Over Thirty Elisabeth Harvor
- Tracks Alicia Elliott
- I Don’t Know When I’ll Be Back Trevor Corkum
- Here Today jp rodriguez
- Masada Kathy Friedman
#Issue 1403
- Rastegan Maria Saba
- Butter Tea at Starbucks Sharon Bala
- Angry Birds Jane Eaton Hamilton
- Old Growth Lisa Alward
- seoriseori Mee-Ju Ro
- Rana in Rien Jana Omar Elkhatib
- Ever Heard of That? Josh Stenberg
#Issue 1393
- Amos + Irwin Heather Debling
- Tin Jails Heather Birrell
- The House on Manor Close Kathy Page
- Lives of the Poets John Metcalf
- Gail in Winter Alex Pugsley
- Intruder Traci Skuce
- Bridgehead Jean Van Loon
#Issue 1383
- What Can You Do Cynthia Flood
- Safe Ron Schafrick
- Bring Down Your Angels and Set Me Free Patricia Robertson
- Ghost Coat Susi Lovell
- Auntie Linda’s Farm Chris Kuriata
- The Unitarian Church’s Annual Young Writer’s Short Story Competition Richard Kelly Kemick
- Isn’t It Better Than Being Alone? Megan Findlay
- The Time of the Apricots Jasmina Odor
#Issue 1373
- HOTP!NK Adrick Brock
- Puppybird Jessica Westhead
- Punch Buggy Will, On Occasion Richard Cumyn
- Solvable Problems Sonal Champsee
- Miloslav Sharon Bala
- Volda Justin Andrews
- The Parisian Eye Alice Peterson
- Music Minus One Alice Peterson
- The Begging Bowl Carine de Kock
- Let Heaven Rejoice Laura Rock
- Now It’s Time to Say Good-bye Hugh Graham
#Issue 1363
- Whatever the Poets Say Kathy Page
- Shelter From the Storm Leesa Dean
- Special, Unleash Your Lion Paul Carlucci
- Fireworks Carrie Mac
- Moment of Inertia Dafna Izenberg
- Late Breaking K.D. Miller
- Road One Sivan Slapak
- Grass Mary Tilberg
#Issue 1353
- Methodology of Grace Maria Reva
- Sitting There: a divertimento Stan Rogal
- Most of the Houses Had Lost Their Lights Kevin Hardcastle
- Quick Studies Diane Schoemperlen
- Five Weeks Colleen MacIsaac
- I Am Not the Countess Stephen Maude
- The Ruins of Combéfa Jenifer Sutherland
- A Good Father Josiah Neufeld
- Ice Woman Elisabeth Harvor
#Issue 1343
- Until the Sasquatch Hal Niedzviecki
- The Challenger Fiona Osborne
- Thin Ice Ellen Keith
- A Lucky Man Rea Tarvydas
- The Museum of Wooden Hearts Mahak Jain
- A Lucky Man Rea Tarvydas
- With Deepest Regards Alice Zorn
- Empty Nest Lauren Carter
- On Bridges Jen Amos
- Dad, Offstage Susan Sanford Blades
- Why Can You Not Just Glide Over the Snow Also? Shannon Albera
#Issue 1333
- The History of Furniture Tajja Isen
- The Petrified Florist Mark Anthony Jarman
- The Night of Broken Glass Jack Wang
- The Woman in the Washing Machine Jennifer Dyer Hayes
- The Narvarian Treaty Jay Ruzesky
- WOOF! Lori McNulty
- After the Fall Lynda Archer
- The Painting Leah Jane Esau
- Anti-Christers Mary J. Breen
#Issue 1323
- Fast Forward Taryn Pearcey
- Harvest Andrew Boden
- The Broadcast Companion Joe Davies
- The Whole World Pouring Down Devon Ronner
- Athabasca Gwen Anderson
- Catch My Drift Genevieve Scott
- Throwing for Wazari D.D. West
- Sixteen Thousands D.D. West
- Opening rob mclennan
#Issue 1313
- Afterword Annemarie Pegg
- Spread low on the fields Kevin Hardcastle
- Le Voleur Annemarie Pegg
- Things I didn’t say Adrian Mckerracher
- Fairly Traded Brent Van Staalduinen
- Witness Molly Lynch
- Krasnanorsk-2 Tamas Dobozy
#Issue 1303
- Homecoming Christopher Evans
- The Problem of Other Minds Chris Gilmore
- The Perfect Man for My Husband Andrew Macdonald
- Interference Dave Margoshes
- Zoning Adan Jerreat-Poole
- A Few Small Nips Rita Bozi
- A Country Outing Liza Potvin
- Helter Skelter Kerry Clare
- A Reproduction of the Ceiling of the Sistine Chapel Andrew MacDonald
- Safe Shelley Wood
- Burning the Night Black Chad Pelley
- He and She Sharon Ellis
- Night People Barbara Black
#Issue 1293
- Boys Kate Cayley
- Karin Alex Pugsley
- Parched H.W. Browne
- At the Swimming Pool Kirsten Madsen
- Just Fish Teryl Faulkner
- Hunted by Coyotes Kevin Hardcastle
- A Finely Trimmed Beard Morgan O'Connor
- Wasaga500 Megan Findlay
#Issue 1283
- Desperate Glory Kathy Page
- We Go Alone Jessica Marsh
- Marriage Rebecca Rosenblum
- The Burn Kathy Friedman
- Maybe the World Is Ending Alanna Marie Scott
- The Man Room Mark Sampson
- Hollow Trees Denise O'Rourke
- His Little Douchebag Lisa Pike
#Issue 1273
- Ozk Sarah Meehan Sirk
- 25,000 Easy Steps Dana Mills
- Bearing the Body Matt Rader
- Chronic Pain Will Never Leave You Shashi Bhat
#Issue 1263
- Blind Man Sam Shelstad
- Gentrification Russell Smith
- How to Tell if Your Frog is Dead Julie Roorda
- Big Fat Beautiful You Nancy Jo Cullen
- Residents Kirsteen MacLeod
- Crows Eat Well Andrew F. Sullivan
- Great Lengths Joanna Reid
- Aftermath Stephen Finucan
#Issue 1253
- When Genghis Khan Was My Lover Susan Young
- The Man Who Dealt Well With His Big Head Stephen Kroll
- Waiting for the Cyclone Leesa Dean
- Something is Happening Here Betsy Struthers
- Down to Here Kari Lund-Teigen
- Rene and Richard: A Retrospect in Diminishing Significance Joe Davies
- Crazy Russell Smith
- The Rate at Which He Fell Andrew Forbes
- A Moose in the Dark H.W. Browne
- The Brief, Tragic Life of Jacks Hatt Amy Jones
#Issue 1243
- Left in the Dust Iris Gershon
- The Cipher Hangs Christine Estima
- Goulash Segun Afolabi
- Performers Hal Walling
- Sleep World Zoey Leigh Peterson
- Inheriting the Circus Heather Davidson
- Rosewood Queens Tamas Dobozy
- Gulliver’s Wife Philip Huynh
- Natural History Helen Humphreys
#Issue 1233
- The Hanged Man Café Andrew Tibbetts
- Horticulture Kirsteen MacLeod
- To Make Much of Time Kathy Page
- Ant Goes Viral Catriona Wright
- Midway Laura Legge
- Rafael Ron Schafrick
- Super Carniceria Elisabeth de Mariaffi
- For A Smart Girl Stephen Maude
#Issue 1223
- When Mother Loved the Bear Ian Roy
- Kiss Me Like I’m the Last Man on Earth Elisabeth de Mariaffi
- The Definition of Hunger Susan Sanford Blades
- No Jabs for the Babies Today Valerie Mills-Milde
- Cheat Lesley Buxton
- A Quiet Crucifixion Richard Therrien
- Bread & Butter Story Anu Jindal
- Happy Normal People Kris Bertin
- Afterword: Bread & Butter Story Anu Jindal
- The Summer the Neighbours Were Nazis Kate Cayley
#Issue 1213
- You Are Yourself Bev Craddock
- Disruption Carrie Snyder
- Twenty-Seven Days Michael Bryson
- Women are His Religion Elisabeth Harvor
- Poppycock Caroline Adderson
- Bebezhigooganzhii Melissa Schnarr-Rice
- Offset Type Holley Rubinsky
- A Routine Flight Tim Lehnert
- Basic Disobedience Barb Howard
- Knock Knock Michelle Berry
#Issue 1203
- The Night Tamsin Fell in Love with Charlie Bernice Friesen
- Dialogues of Departure Steven Heighton
- The Fires of Soweto Heather Davidson
- Flight Paths Steven Heighton
- Here Be Dragons Eliza Robertson
- The Blue Dress Sara Heinonen
- Adam & Eve Saved From Drowning Mark Anthony Jarman
- Barcelona Jasmina Odor
#Issue 1193
- Quarks: An Exegesis Erin Noteboom Bow
- Rise: A Requiem (with Parts for Voice and Wing) Miranda Hill
- Truth Morgan Wade
- Godwit Valerie Compton
- Annie the Ant Margaret Atwood
- Conductors Sean Michaels
#Issue 1183
- The Edges Yagaba'a
- Southwesterly Winds Helen Knott
- Faith & Joy Colette Maitland
- A Perfect Age Susan Young
- New Cross Martha Schabas
- A Talent for Sleep Emily Schultz
- Something About the Animal Cathy Stonehouse
- A Flame, A Burst of Light Douglas Glover
- Three Lessons Lily Gontard
- Two Postscripts Rob Brazeau
- Shine Peter Chiykowski
- When You Hear That Word Henry Adam Svec
- Diving Lessons Claire Holden Rothman
- Problem Set 5 Mindy Hung
#Issue 1173
- MacInney’s Strong Adrian Michael Kelly
- Rephrasing Kate Rea Tarvydas
- He Ate His French Fries in a Light-hearted Way Elisabeth de Mariaffi
- Muna Khalifa & The Rainville Pops Shawn Riopelle
- Thirteen Escaping Father Stories Andrew Tibbetts
- Nineteen Essays on My Mother’s Nerves Andrew Tibbetts
- A Flock of Chickens Laura Rock
- The Shake Table Alex Leslie
- Babayaga Andrew J. Borkowski
#Issue 1163
- Ear, Nose and Throat Jessica Westhead
- from Combat Camera A.J. Somerset
- Whatever’s Coming Holley Rubinsky
- Sorry Isabel Huggan
#Issue 1153
- Freshman 15 Mariko Tamaki
- Hotel Paris Leesa Dean
- The Kidney Connection Shoilee Khan
- V-I-P Drew McDowell
- Falling to Pieces Lindsay Tipping
- True Detective Peggy McCann
- One Two Three Two One Cynthia Flood
- At Kimberly’s Party Jessica Westhead
- Far From Downtown Rebecca Rosenblum
#Issue 1143
- Joan List Pat Leech
- Riding the Rails Joanne Page
#Issue 1133
- You Wouldn’t Recognize Me Nicole Dixon
- Sí, coyote Claire Tacon
- A Postcard From Iceland Elisabeth Harvor
- Play the Dying Card Jill Sexsmith
- Keeping the Peace Colette Maitland
- Better Living Through Plastic Explosives Zsuzsi Gartner
#Issue 1123
- The Ecstatic Carrie Snyder
- Bloemgracht Mark Rogers
- How Hot the Sun Carrie Snyder
- Rat Carrie Snyder
- The Museum at the End of the World John Metcalf
#Issue 1113
- All We Will Ever Be Amy Jones
- Footnote Ryan Turner
- Twelve Weeks Amy Jones
- A Wandering Bird Shaena Lambert
- Mal’achim Lyse Champagne
- September 1938 Alison Pick
- Relay Betsy Struthers
- The Church of Latter-Day Peaches Amy Jones
- Impetus for a Sketch Timothy Marsh
- Secrets of the Cool Damp Earth Ken Duffin
- Quatre Fruits (Four Fruits) Lori Saint-Martin
#Issue 1103
- Speedwell Richard Cumyn
- By Analogy Carolyn Black
- The Astonishing Abercrombie! Elisabeth de Mariaffi
- Excerpt from “The Shape of a Girl” Joan MacLeod
#Issue 1093
- The Barking Dog Dave Margoshes
- The Farmhand Dave Margoshes
- Noah’s Dive Jean Van Loon
- That’s How He’ll Remember It Ben Hart
- Strange Pilgrims Laura Boudreau
- Soyez Blessé Anne Fleming
- The Last Thing Anne Fleming
- The Family Circle Dave Margoshes
#Issue 1083
- To Fly Jamie Bush
- Still Life with Book Rhonda Douglas
- Beryl Takes A Knife Cathy Stonehouse
- On a Picnic Kerry Clare
- How to Survive a Summer in the City Amy Jones
- Joie de Viv Terry Griggs
#Issue 1073
- Freakish Vine That I Am Elisabeth Harvor
- Impossible to Die in Your Dreams Heather Birrell
- Party Going Russell Smith
- Dumb Fish Patricia Young
- Cogagwee Mike Barnes
- The Anthologist Takes a Holiday Keath Fraser
- The Road to Delphi Sharon English
- Five Paintings of the New Japan Steven Heighton
- Ceazer Salad John Metcalf
- In Lower Town Norman Levine
- Zoom Rebecca Rosenblum
- The House on Elsbeth Rebecca Rosenblum
- Linh Lai Rebecca Rosenblum
#Issue 1063
- La Nouvelle Simon Paquet
- Les Mets Chinois Daniel Canty
- Bloodlines Saleema Nawaz
- Russian Nights Donald McGrath
- Moi, J’aime les Moutons! Louis Patrick Leroux
#Issue 1053
- Road Accidents Stephen Henighan
- Karaoke Wayne Yetman
- Miracle Mile Alexander Macleod
- That Time of Year Terence Young
- Martin and Lisa Daniel Griffin
#Issue 1043
- from: The Lily Pond Mike Barnes
#Issue 1033
- Binocular Kathleen Winter
- Testimonial Colette Maitland
- Malcolm in Blue Kathleen Winter
- Trying To Be Good Michael Winter
- A Spot of Trouble Edward Riche
- You Can Keep One Thing Kathleen Winter
- Wormwood Fiona Foster
- Healing Circle Lisa Moore
- Why Can’t You Play By The Rules For Once? Michael Crummey
- Where All the Ladders Start Nadine McInnis
#Issue 1023
- Men of a Certain Age Elisabeth Harvor
- Palaces Annabel Lyon
- Confidence Russell Smith
- Fruit Factory Rebecca Rosemblum
- This Is How We Grow As Humans Sarah Selecky
- End of Summer Kelli Deeth
#Issue 1003
- People Like Us Mary Borsky
#Issue 0993
- Stealing Joyce’s Gas Leon Rooke
- Rainer Maria Rilke’s “Die Sechest Elegie”: A New Translation Melissa Bell & Pasha Malla
- Menesteung Grape Jelly
- Real Life Rosilee Sherwood
- Pedagogy Degan Davis
- Special Education Brian Reynolds
- Leaving Vivian Erin Noteboom
- Miriam Beachwalker Amy Jones
- The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali Dawn Rae Downton
- The Big Bang Brian Francis
- 1001 Canadian Nights: My 30-year Romance With The Road
- Air Andrew Pyper
- Speckled Head Rides the Eurostar Jessica Grant
- Paratrooper Mark Jarman
- Log on a Lump Joan Alexander
- Losers Weepers Elise Moser
- Bye Bye Flangle Nuts Heather Birrell
- The First Time – 1968 Colette Maitland
- The Blue Tongue Nick Fuller
- What’s heaven for Jocelyn Brown
#Issue 0983
- Hennessey’s High Pasture J.R Carpenter
- A Change in the Current Debra Martens
- The Great Circle Routes Mark Rogers
- In the Woods Sharon English
- Woman on the Wing Tricia Dower
- Uncle Hugo’s Legacy Robert Sawyer
- The Exuberance of Science Fiction James Alan Gardner
- Science Fiction’s Literary Fusions Patrick Forde
- Fairy Tales in Secret James Bow
- Plain Sight John Brady
- Some Thoughts on Erotica Christine Pountney
- Gracie’s Luck Jean Van Loon
- Mona Says Fire Fire Fire Nicole Dixon
#Issue 0973
- Mr. Greenaway Rights the Wrong Richard Cumyn
- A Discomfiting Sense of Mystery: the stories of Patricia Young
- Steelhead Patricia Young
- Garden Apartment Patricia Young
- Letters to Daniel Patricia Young
- Knives Caroline Adderson
#Issue 0963
- Glass on Glass Alice Zorn
- Mushroom Soup at Feng’s Valerie Stetson
- Standing Up for Janey Sarah Selecky
- Men with Guns Carrie Snyder
- I Love To Tell The Story Carrie Snyder
#Issue 0943
- The Prince (Sometimes You’re Dying) Darryl Berger
- Back Before, When My Brother Had Two Kidneys Scott Randall
- Mr. Allweather’s Piano Holly Phillips
- An Excerpt from The Good Body Bill Gaston
- Making Light Susan Kernohan
- The Lost Sandbox Of The Eskimos Joe Davies
- BriannaSusannaAlana Heather Birrell
- Skin Larry Brown
#Issue 0933
- The Roman Alphabet John Delacourt
- Mealtime Diana Fitzgerald Bryden
- Zia Anselmina Sandra Sabatini
- Cremona has a Secret Kathleen Winter
#Issue 0923
- Baby Mouth Carolyn Black
- Wedding Pictures Mary Borsky
- The Missing Shade of Blue Craig Boyco
- Naked Girl Topology John Delacourt
- Most Wanted Vivette J Kady
- Sympathetic Magic Irene Mock
- The Wedding of the Painted Doll Joan Tovenati
- Ouranophobia Rosalynn Worth Tyo
#Issue 0903
#Issue 0893
#Issue 0883
#Issue 0873
#Issue 0863
- Bad Men Who Love Jesus
- Ba(l)d Men(:) Who Love(s You, Baby?) Jesus (, Nobody. Maybe Yo’ Momma)
- Bad Men Who Love Jesus
- Bad Men Who Love Jesus
- Bad Men Who Love Jesus
- Bad Men Who Love Jesus: Prologue
- Bad Men Who Love Jesus
- Bad Men Who Love Jesus
- Indra’s Net
- Bad Men Who Love Jesus
- Bad Men Who Love Jesus: Seventy-Seven Brides
- Bad Men Who Love Jesus (In the Doghouse)
- Bad Men Who Love Jesus (and Girls Like Me)
- Scene 13: A Bad Man; Loved Jesus
- Bad Men Who Love Jesus
- Paradise
- Bad Men Who Love Jesus
- Bad Men Who Love Jesus
- Bad Men Who Love Jesus: Let Us Eat and Drink
- Bad Men Who Love Jesus
- Bad Men Who Love Jesus: Home Sweet Home
- Bad Men Who Love Jesus
#Issue 0853
#Issue 0843
#Issue 0823
#Issue 0803
#Issue 0793
#Issue 0783
#Issue 0773
#Issue 0763
#Issue 0753
#Issue 0743
#Issue 0733
#Issue 0723
#Issue 0713
#Issue 0703
#Issue 0693
#Issue 0683
#Issue 0673
#Issue 0663
#Issue 0653
#Issue 0643
#Issue 0633
#Issue 0623
#Issue 0613
#Issue 0603
#Issue 0593
#Issue 0583
#Issue 0573
#Issue 0563
#Issue 0553
#Issue 0543
- August, 1954 Roger Burford Mason
- Inheritance Virgil Burnett
- The Golden Ampersand Virgil Burnett
- Camp Sacred Heart Andrew Pyper
- Beehive (1963) Faye Scott Rieger
- Burning Down the School Alan R. Wilson
#Issue 0533
- How Do You Expect to Make Your Way? Richard Cumyn
- The Dead and the Missing Steven Heighton
- Sex Lights Stephen Guppy
- Son of Sir Jeffrey Kraemer
- Then-What-Happened Nancy Richler
- Abandonment J.J. Steinfeld
#Issue 0523
- The Flowers of Colonel Riley Will Harvey
- Five Fused Fragments Isabel Huggan
- River Rats Dave Margoshes
- Iniskin Roma Quapp
- Dangerland Oakland Ross
- Two Families Michael Winter
- The Bones of Animals, The Flight of Birds Sara Baker
#Issue 0513
- The Memory Wall Carol Giangrande
- Freefall Lynn Farquhar
- Jigger Rosemary Nixon
- The Honeymoon Hotel Patrick Roscoe
- Fathers Jesse Lee Kercheval
- Listening to Bill (Mr. Bojangles) Robinson Tap Dancing on the Radio Zsuzsi Gartner
#Issue 0503
- And a Stranger Shall Come Upon You Rebecca Raglon
- Edwina Monica Pastor
- The Reluctant Alien Curtis Parkinson
- The Raven Mocker Melissa Hardy
- The Unwanted Attention of Strangers Clark Blaise
#Issue 0493
- Such Fire Roberta Rees
- Anomie Robert Mullen
- Hanrahan Saved Lawrence Mathews
- Another Story Altogether Chris Mansell
- Versions Genni Gunn
- North of Jesus’ Beans Bill Gaston
- Elvis Linda Farquhar
#Issue 0483
- Free Falls Vivian Payne
- I’m in a Phone Booth Lisa Moore
- The Lifesaver Ian Menzies
- Velvet Hooves Scott McIsaac
- Strangely True Anne Konrad
- My Life as a Work of Art Mary Humphrey Baldridge
#Issue 0473
- Emily Veronica Ross
- Somewhere Real Andrew Pyper
- God Save the Queen Cyril Dabydeen
- Patriotism Dean Bonney
- Christmas Dinner Dean Bonney
- Flying Dean Bonney
#Issue 0463
- Bang-bang. Oakland Ross
- The Mother Died Ruth Krahn
- The Limit of Delta Y Over Delta X Richard Cumyn
- The Game of Golf Douglas W. Campbell
- Sea of Tranquility Rai Berzins
#Issue 0453
- Group Lessons Dorothy Speak
- The Abuelita Patrick Roscoe
- “A Man With No Master….” Steven Heighton
- Big Animals Bill Gaston
- My Mother, My Daughter, My Self Mary Humphrey Baldridge
#Issue 0443
- Pushface Patricia Stone
- Spies Jennifer Mitton
- Discovering My Father Roger Burford Mason
- The Rose Bowl David Blostein
- Prayer for the Fatherless C.A. Austen
#Issue 0433
- Dancing with Anna Pavlova J.J. Steinfeld
- Ann Joan Fern Shaw
- The Voice of the Bay of Quinte Joan Fern Shaw
- Lesser Figures of the Greater Trumps James Alan Gardner
- Les Demoiselles d’Avignon Constance Buchanan
- The Storm Peter Baltensperger
#Issue 0423
- Tight Spaces Eleonore Schönmaier
- Beatrice Sheree Fitch
- The Night the Sky Fell Carmelita McGrath
- Pago Medina Stacey
- The Hal and May Chronicles Pat Skinner
- Bald and Not Like My Father Elaine Auerbach
#Issue 0413
- Beirut Garden Carole Giangrande
- How Beautiful Upon the Mountains Steven Heighton
#Issue 0403
- Call Roxanne Andrew Pyper
- A Stronger Face for Fall L.J Kenyon
- The Cat in the Chimney Mary Humphrey Baldridge
- Magical Thinking Melissa Hardy
- Horseradish Soup Andrew Young
#Issue 0393
- Men of Stone Carolyn Marie Souaid
- Rosalyn Road Richard Cumyn
- Apricots Dean Bonney
- A Child’s ABC of Hockey Birk Sproxton
- When the World Was White: Part II Patrick Roscoe
#Issue 0383
- Nothing Happens Diane Schoemperlen
- The Drawer Susan Zettell
- Stories of John Kristin Andrychuk
- Seduction by Damask Flowers Kristin Andrychuk
- Living on the Lake Patricia A. Stone
- Mandy Shupe Kristin Andrychuk
- The Indian Women Roger Burford Mason
- Sous Le Pont D’Avignon Tsigane Baernstein
#Issue 036-373
- Koop and Bua Travelling Arnold Dyck
- First Prize (Easchta Pries) Jack Thiessen and Andreas Schroeder
#Issue 0353
- The Western Agent James Leo Conway
- The Die-Casting Vernon Mooers
- No Sudden Disaster (1975) Mary Humphrey Baldridge
- In Search of God Marianne Paul
- Three Fables of Creation Dave Margoshes
- When the World Was White: Part I Patrick Roscoe
- Evolution: An Introduction Patrick Roscoe
#Issue 0343
- Men Come and Go But Sailing is Forever Carolyn Struthers
- Biker Allan Barr
- Dr. Hare Dean Bonney
- How Far Is the Journey from Here to a Star Patrick Roscoe
- A Woman Almost as Tall as Memory J.J. Steinfeld
#Issue 0333
- Jump Up and Kiss You F. B. André
- Victor, You’re Dreaming Jeffrey Wm. Coleman
- All I Ever Wanted Was the Moon Sara McDonald
- David and Goliath Martin B. Sherman
- A Good Man Lawrence Yates
#Issue 0323
- Princess Gary Anderson
- The Meadows C.J. Pettigrew
- Leaving England Rose Scollard
- Table Talk Jenifer Sutherland
- Anarchy & Other Anarchies Brian Burke
#Issue 0313
- Dying to Get Home Patrick Roscoe
- The Candystriper Patricia A. Stone
- Swimming Dean Bonney
- Visitation Terry Griggs
- A Laughing Woman Terry Griggs
- Man With the Axe Terry Griggs
#Issue 0303
- From Redmond’s Diary: Old Haven Apples James Leo Conway
- Pickled Beef Cecelia Frey
- The Elections Eugene Dubnov
- The Reunion Eugene Dubnov
- Summertime Blues Dave Margoshes
- How Myrna Survives Diane Schoemperlen
#Issue 0293
- Wish On a White Horse Maureen Hunter
- Ashes From Babylon Alan Harkness
- On Strikes and Errors in Japanese Baseball Steven Heighton
- The Haircut Holley Rubinsky
- The Birthday Party Sandra L. Birdsell
#Issue 0283
- Order in the Universe Veronica Ross
- Three for a Wedding Helen Pereira
- Wife Search Dan Pope
- My Lover’s Touch Patrick Roscoe
- Two Poems Ken Rivard
- Underground Diana Kiesners
- Following Fiona (for cathy) Lawrence Yates
#Issue 0273
- Sold For Theft Jennifer Mitton
- The Salesman’s Line Jim Francis
- Signals Cathy Matyas
- Bidding Without the King Joan Fern Shaw
- Casting Off Terry Griggs
- The Funeral Parlour Gaëtan Charlebois
#Issue 0263
- Sally’s Last breakfast Craig Grant
- The Last Entry Nancy Holmes
- On Chiemsee David Blostein
- The Palace Peggy McCann
- Anything Elsie’s Truck Stop Byrna Barclay
- This Is Your Pilot Speaking Diana Kiesners
#Issue 025-263
- Another Country Ann Copeland
- The Sugar Jigsaw Jean Rysstad
- A Poet Is Not Born in the Maternity Wing Mary Woodbury
- Providing Susan Kerslake
- The House on 95th Street (1950) Mary Humphrey Baldridge
- White Sky Veronica Ross
- Proud Father Gurtek Poonia
- Hybrid Linda Kenyon
- Domestic Play Don Kerr
- Summer Sky—White Ship Dorothy Speak
- Collage Elizabeth Brewster
#Issue 024 & 0253
- Downing’s Fast Steven Heighton
- A Hundred Dollars Worth of Roses W. P. Kinsella
- Kahlua Bath David Finley
- Cards Mark Bastien
- Of Gardens Carolyn Zonailo
#Issue 0223
- No More Dragons Sylvia Exley
- For the Air and the Light Catherine Long
- The Fabric of Bridges P J Holdstock
- Valley of Ruined Castles Meg Hancock
- The Guy Who Knocked Down His House Joan Fern Shaw
- Three Questions Richard Simas
#Issue 0213
- from Comes a Cropper Craig Grant
- The Thing That Grows in the Gasoline Tank Brian Brett
- Evolution in Every Direction Brian Brett
- Caver Brian Brett
- Old Men and Ice Cream Brian Brett
- Outlaw Roads Seán Virgo
- Dusty Bluebells Seán Virgo
#Issue 0203
- The Burial Place Veronica Ross
- The Firemen Suspect Arson Mary di Michele
- shades of sin Di Brandt
- Martin Lawrence Yates
- Liquid Geography Lawrence Yates
- Let’s All Salute Ed Sullivan’s Teeth Lawrence Yates
#Issue 0193
- Civilized Catharine Leggett
- Moment of Impact Kenneth Radu
- learning how to write Robert L. Harding
- A Flight of Dying Birds Meg Hancock
- Black Tusk Brian Burke
- Hutchison’s Lock George Elliott
#Issue 0183
- In Agnesburg Mary Woodbury
- Museum Piece R.S. Raglon
- Secluded Setting, Close Beach P.J. Holdstock
- The Calf Craig Grant
- The Walk to Ripley George Elliott
- Windstorm Cecelia Frey
#Issue 0173
- Untitled image Basia Irland
- Susan Musgrave Photos Susan Musgrave
- Blowtown Covert: An excerpt from a novel in progress Susan Musgrave
- Untitled Image Basia Irland
#Issue 0163
- Do Crayfish Eat Eyelashes? Lawrence Yates
- Inspecting the Vaults Eric McCormack
- Day 28 W.P. Kinsella
- The Bittersweet Man George Elliott
- Motet Keith Maillard
- Hatter Chatter In This Style 10/6 Virginia Louise Clesse
#Issue 0153
- The Insurance Salesman Dan Pope
- About Martin Judith Butterworth
- The Professor’s Ashes J.J. Steinfeld
- The Drop Janet Bolin
- I Was a Teenage Love Slave Deirdre F. O'Hara
#Issue 0143
- One in Fourteen Million Kenneth Radu
- One Needs Reliable Transportation Ken Stange
- Eight Fictions Lesley Choyce
- Five Fictions William J. Klebeck
- (may peace be with Him) Brad Keith
- A War between Russia and Afghanistan Lawrence Yates
#Issue 0133
- Sing Before Breakfast Helen Pereira
- Prick Me Rose A. Colin Wright
- My Perseus Connie Gault
- Our Lady of the Beanpoles Sheldon Oberman
- December / August M.L. Cornish
- Drawing #4 Brenda Kenyon
- Drawing #3 Brenda Kenyon
- Drawing #2 Brenda Kenyon
- Drawing #1 Brenda Kenyon
#Issue 0123
- Faith chris wind
- View of a Marriage M.R. Carroll
- Unseen, the Cuckoo Sings at Dawn Janice Kulyk Keefer
- Broken Line Gary Eikenberry
- Drawing #4 Valerio Racca
- Drawing #3 Valerio Racca
- Drawing #2 Valerio Racca
- Drawing #1 Valerio Racca
#Issue 0113
- Equestrian of the Western World Gerald Lynch
- Firepower David Sharpe
- The Farm Gary Thomson
- Commuters Janet Bolin
#Issue 0103
- A Life in Laundry Linda Kenyon
- Saturday Afternoon J.J. Steinfeld
- Beloved In The Bath, This Is My Beloved Leon Rooke
- from his novel: Too Many Blackbirds Ken Ledbetter
- Background of Blowing Topsoil William J. Klebeck
#Issue 0093
- Just Another Guy Out For a Ride On His Bike Brian Burke
- The Glass Of Water Dona Paul Massel
- Mirror Mirror Off the Wall Susan Kerslake
- from his novel: Remembering Summer Harold Horwood
#Issue 0083
- from The Last India Overland Craig Grant
- Yesterday and Forever Rick Bowers
- Inheriting the Earth Lesley Choyce
- Megan’s Vampire Marney Heatley
- Edward and Georgina Eric McCormack
#Issue 0073
- Smoke Screen Mary Woodbury
- The Mad Brigade Fedir Odrach
- from his novel: The Last Hiding Place Terrence Heath
- The Keeper of Error B.K. Filson
- Shadow Box David Sharpe
- From his novel: Sirens and Graces Lawrence Garber
#Issue 0063
- Better Than the Streets Vincent McHardy
- To the Gods Below Ora Wayne Hughes
- The Rat Game Ed Butts
- Things You Couldn’t Tell Gerald Noonan
- Cemetery Joan Fern Shaw
#Issue 0053
- Seasons of a Flower Scott Stewart
- Street Scene Gary Eikenberry
- A Pack of Clowns Gerald Lynch
- Brothers Megan Perks
- Yard Work James McC. Yeager
- Buddha at the Laundromat : A Parable Lesley Choyce
- Drawing Susan Gray
- Drawing Susan Gray
- Margaret Susan Gray
#Issue 0043
- Triangle Ora Wayne Hughes
- The Game Judith Butterworth
- Touch of a Vanished Hand Lesley Choyce
- A Model Lover H. R. Percy
#Issue 0033
- Sounds Jeff Horowitz
- A Discourse on Sanchopanzism José Huertas-Jourda
- One Hour of Light W.K. Thomas
- Three Women Josee C. Duffhues
- Kelly’s Mountain Ed Butts
#Issue 0023
- Light Traveller Larry Hannant
- Captain Joe Eric McCormack
- Enemies of the State Stephen Notar
- Lessons in Geometry Gerald Noonan
- Sketch #1 Paul Klee’s “Fear Behind The Curtain” Judith Butterworth
- Dance of the Dolls Ed Butts
#Issue 0013
- Döstädning Renée D. Bondy
- The Visit Judith Butterworth
- The All-Star Game Gerald Noonan
- That Summer Veronica Ross
- Survival Ed Butts
- Untitled drawing Nancy Lou Patterson