- Welcome To This Issue Pamela Mulloy
- Three Poems Chuqiao Yang
Curtain Call
- Portrait of the Artist: My Visit with Alice Neel Beth Kaplan
- Solarity Farm Eva-Lynn Jagoe
Peter Hinchcliffe Fiction Contest
- Something Really Unbelievable Nicole Leona Smith
- Better than Good Pamela Mulloy
- Mushroom Girl Lizzie Derksen
- Phénakisticope Jamie Michaels
- Dubbel Dubbel Days Zarmina Rafi
- Mud Angels Alison Stevenson
Edna Staebler Personal Essay Contest
- Difficult to Tell Emily Urquhart
- That Other Place Kathy Page
- The Singing Bone Sadiqa de Meijer
- Wave Any Ward Erin Soros
- Soar Chyana Marie Sage
- Siphon Barbara Colebrook Peace
- Three Ghazals From a Work in Progress Glen Downie
- Three Poems John Reibetanz
- Tongueless and Laceless Sadi Muktadir
- Falling in love with Poetry Sarah Yi-Mei Tsiang
- Two Poems Sarah Yi-Mei Tsiang
- Ayodhya 2020 Sanchari Sur
Nick Blatchford Occasional Verse Contest
- Surfing near Tofino Aaron Schneider
- The Spirit Bugs of Algonquin Park Ken Victor
- If you come Sarah Yi-Mei Tsiang
- Airing Evora’s Laundry Susanne Fletcher
- Selling Soffio Cynthia Woodman
- Specializing in the Prehistory of Whales Sandra Kasturi
- Safe U Turn Callista Markotich
- Taking the Measure Kim (Blatchford) Jernigan
- Latin Class Kieran Egan
- Masks Terry Watada
- Birthday Balloon Marco Melfi
- When this is over Jen Mustapha
- On the qui vive on my QWERTY Anne Swannell