- Welcome To This Issue Pamela Mulloy
Falling in Love with Poetry
- You Are Not Forgotten Elizabeth Ruth
- Have a Good Life Ian Roy
- Is This My Christine? Sue Murtagh
- A Rock of Offence Eric Lee
- Just College Shit Tam Eastley
- Run-Off Season Adrian Markle
- Beginning Nikita Easton-Lusignan
- Carve Our Names Nadja Lubiw-Hazard
- Wildflower Ladies Megan Beadle
- The Ghost House Nadine McInnis
- The Undertaking Paul Ruban
- Full Term Molly McCarron
- Pocket Full of Rye Robert Benz
- 4 AM Emmy Nordstrom Higdon
- Tephra Kaye Miller
- Soil Samples Glenn Clifton
- Rushing the Landing Trish Sissons
- Dreams of the Dispossessed Natalie Hryciuk
- Life Skills Suzanne Nussey
- Coffee Shop Robert Bowerman
- Address to Six Red Oaks —Parc du Mont-Royal Peter Richardson
- The World in My Mouth Andrea Scott
- In the small hours Betsy Struthers
- Life By Water Marilyn Bowering
- Creatures of the Field Frances Boyle
- Ginger Bill Garvey
- Full Wolf Moon Jean Van Loon
- March Jean Van Loon
- Stardust Apartments Marco Melfi
- Notes on Watching Footage of a Stalled Caravan —Winter, 2021 Peter Richardson
- Reworking My Will Jean Van Loon
- Pine Hill, Perennial Frances Boyle
- Patron Gods of the True Faith Shane Neilson
- Any tramway town Frances Boyle
- Plaza Sign Down Marco Melfi
- At Seventy Suzanne Nussey
- Safeway Bags Play Hooky Marco Melfi
- On the Bus to the Ferry Marilyn Bowering
- Poppies Robert Bowerman
- Dear P.K. Page Andrea Scott
- Gazing at Swifts Peter Richardson
- Prepping the Beds Andrea Scott