The 2024 Peter Hinchcliffe Short Fiction Contest Winners

The New Quarterly is delighted to announce the winners of the 2024 Peter Hinchcliffe Fiction Award! Winner “The Dead Mothers”by Candice May Runners-up “Lost Girls”by Amber Fenik “Beyond Beauty and Death”by Michele Wong Honourable Mentions “Twin Talk”by Courtney Bill “Nat in New York”by James Dunnigan “Solstice”by Kathleen Keenan “A Sensitive Man Drinks Yellow Flowers”by Curtis McRae […]

Tam Eastley’s Writing Space

In order to write, I need a playlist, a timer, and my desk. I write best in the mornings before work. By the evening I’m normally too braindead. Two friends recently told me that they can write until 2am and I wish I could do that, it sounds so cool, so magical, but I’m definitely […]

The 2024 Peter Hinchcliffe Short Fiction Award Longlist

The New Quarterly is pleased to announce the longlist for the 2024 Peter Hinchcliffe Short Fiction Award. After thorough consideration, we are excited to announce this year’s longlisted writers and their phenomenal stories.

What’s Natalie Hryciuk Reading?

I’ve always enjoyed reading a blend of non-fiction, fiction and poetry. A few years ago, I began reading a series of non-fiction books about the history of Ukraine, where my family originates. I wanted to know more about the political and historical events that have shaped Ukraine, and how these forces shaped my parents and, […]

Finding the Form with Glenn Clifton

I tinkered with “Soil Samples” story for years, mainly making cuts—my favourite part of the revision process is cutting and tightening. The story was close to its current form before the pandemic, before anti-vaxxers seemed to be so close to the centre of public debate. The story originated from an abstract insight: that if someone […]

Finding the Form with Molly McCarron

My stories often start from an initial image of characters. They’re already busy somewhere, doing something, and I follow them to see where they’ll take me. This time, it was the couple on the bus tour I saw first. I knew the couple was only understanding part of what was going on around them: a […]

Emmy Nordstrom Higdon’s Writing Space

Not long after my partner and I moved into our home, we had a contractor come over to help address one of the myriad logistical issues that arise when you’re newly nesting. We have set up our house with two bedrooms: the master upstairs, which my partner and I regularly share, and a basement bedroom, […]

Emmy Nordstrom Higdon in

Finding the Form with Andrea Scott

The glosa was the first poetic form that got me really excited about writing poetry, and digging into the puzzle that form poetry can be. In my first poetry course in 2020 (an introduction to poetry at Athabasca University), part of our required reading was In Fine Form: The Canadian Book of Form Poetry, edited […]

The 2024 Edna Staebler Personal Essay Contest Results

After thorough consideration, The New Quarterly is pleased to announce the results of the 2024 Edna Staebler Personal Essay Contest.

Trish Sissons’ Writing Space

When I first moved into this house and started using this room, wasps would drop out of a concealed hole somewhere in the ceiling, buzz around between my face and my computer for a bit, spot the window and try to make a getaway where they’d be met with a steady stream of Raid. There’d […]

Trish Sissons in