Issue 160
36 in stock
THE IN-BETWEEN TIME: in which we ride the Scrambler at the fair, go to Venice before the flood, buy a farm in a pandemic, and have tea with Alice Neel
FICTION Lizzie Derksen, Jamie Michaels, Sadi Muktadir, Zarmina Rafi, Nicole Leona Smith, Alison Stevenson ESSAYS Sadiqa de Meijer, Eva-Lynn Jagoe, Beth Kaplan, Kathy Page, Chyana Marie Sage, Erin Soros, Sarah Yi-Mei Tsiang POETRY Glen Downie, Kieran Egan, Susanne Fletcher, Sandra Katsuri, Callista Markotich, Marco Melfi, Jen Mustapha, Barbara Colebrook Peace, John Reibetanz, Aaron Schneider, Sanchari Sur, Anne Swannell, Sarah Yi-Mei Tsiang, Terry Watada, Cynthia Woodman, Ken Victor, Chuqiao Yang
She had the reddest hair Anil had ever seen, and truth be told, he’d believed red hair to be a rumour before he came to this country. Even seeing her lustrous red hair glimmer in the night, Anil still had trouble believing it. It fell on either side of her obstructed face, falling towards the pavement, her face down on her thighs. She was small, and Anil realized as he got closer that she was just a teenager. He decided to try and walk past her. As he did he breathed an imperceptible sigh of relief. But the sigh was premature.
We can stumble upon some place–a desert, a wind-swept coast–that speaks to us. I don’t know why. Perhaps it originates from some book or movie whose topography burnt itself into our imaginations. Or a certain scent on the breeze that entranced us when we were children. Maybe it is just that we are ready, in that particular moment, to attach ourselves to somewhere. We find a landscape that will, we intuit, reciprocate our love for it. We want to grow roots in its soil.
Diving into Canadian poetry was a strange kind of homecoming. People were writing poems that I felt I could understand on a gut level even if I couldn’t explain the poem or how it moved me. And people were writing poetry that was puzzling and surreal and completely engrossing. I had read many novels wherein I fell in love with the main characters. But this was the first time I felt myself fall for an author’s voice.
$15 plus HST