Notes on Contributors
Michael Anderson was born in Trinidad and now lives in Toronto where he works and writes. The poem appearing here is his first published work.
Rai Berzins is a freelance weatherman in Toronto. Other stories have appeared in Ounce of Cure (Anthology, 1991), The Fiddlehead and Grain.
Douglas Campbell is a graduate of the University of Waterloo in Waterloo, Ontario, with a degree in math. He has worked in both Canada and England as a contract computer programmer. He spent several years writing a satirical novel about corporate ideology and computer culture, The Administration of Things, which, he says, “I’m trying to interest somebody – anybody – in.”
Karen Connelly was born in Calgary. She has had two books published: The Small Words In My Body (Kalamalka Press, 1990). which was winner of the Pat Lowther Award in 1991 for the best book of poetry by a Canadian woman in the preceding year, and Touch the Dragon (Turnstone Press. 1991), a record of her year in northern Thailand. A second book of poetry is forthcoming from Brick Books (1993).
Richard Cumyn’s noble ancestor John “The Red” Comyn was murdered by Robert the Bruce at the altar of Greyfriars Church, Dumfries, in 1306. Surprisingly, he holds nary a grudge. Should a newly independent Scotland require an instant aristocracy, however ….
Beth Goobie lives in Edmonton. She is the author of two books: Could I Have My Body Back Now, Please (Ne West Press, 1991). a collection of short fiction and poetry, and Group Homes From Outer Space (Maxwell Macmillan, 1992), a young adult, high-interest, low vocabulary book.
Genni Gunn’s poems, stories, and translations have appeared in numerous journals and anthologies in Canada and the U.S. Her published works include a novel, Thrice Upon A Time (Quarry Press, 1990), a poetry collection in translation, Devour Me Too (Guemica. 198 7), and a collection of short stories, On the Road (Oberon Press, 1991). When asked whether Genni Gunn is a pen name, she replied, “Genni Gunn is not a pen name, but I have been known to say that I looked through the phone book and found a man with the appropriate last name, then asked him to marry me.”
Ruth Krahn lives in Edmonton. Her work has appeared most recently in Grain, Event, and Prairie Fire.
Christopher Levenson, born in England, has lived in Canada since 1968. Founding editor of ARC, a magazine of poetry and poetry criticism, he has published seven books of his own poetry as well as reviews and translations from both Dutch and German. An eighth book, Half Truths, is forthcoming from Wolsak & Wynn.
Oakland Ross used to be the correspondent for The Globe and Mail in Latin America and later Africa. He’s published non-fiction pieces in Saturday Night and elsewhere. One of his short stories won third prize in the 1991 CBC lit.erary contest.
Jennifer Salter is currently a fourth-year psychology major at York University with plans to do a graduate program in social work.
Andrew Stubbs teaches literature and language/writing at Wilfrid Laurier University in Waterloo, Ontario. His poetry has been published in numerous journals. He has just completed a book on Eli Mandel’s poetry and prose entitled Myth, Origins, Magic: A Study of Formin Eli Mandel’s Writing. It will be published by Turnstone Press in 1992.
chris wind is a writer and composer who independently publishes books and cassettes. The poems appearing in this issue are from Paintings and Sculptures, available from Magenta at R.R. #1, Sundridge, Ontario POA IZO. A project is underway to “actualize” the collection, making an exhibit for tour; interested painters and sculptors can contact her at the aforementioned address
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