Thank you to all of our 2023 Nick Blatchford Occasional Verse Contest entrants. After thorough consideration, we are excited to announce this year’s longlisted writers and their phenomenal poetry. The longlisted poets and their poems are as follows:
Susan Atkinson, “Kiss Me Again Like The Second Time “
Lisa Borkovich, “The Love Song of Grindstone Marsh”
Simon Peter Eggertsen, “Ah see it all wit’ mih own two eyes”
Dagne Forrest, “Abecedarian with Sharpened Vision”
Jennifer Frankum, “Consider the Ear”
Linda Hatfield, “Mondays With my Dad”
Linda Hatfield, “Last Fly of Summer”
Alexander Hollenberg, “elegy for a groundhog”
Natalie Hryciuk, “Volodymyr Zelensky at Westminster Hall, Day 349 ”
Janice McCrum, “A Mother’s Will”
William Ross, “Year of the Tiger”
Ken Victor, “Having a Day”
Stay tuned…
We will announce the contest winner in early June.