#Issue 1733
- Madonna Lilies Bobbie Jean Huff
- Bloom Eleonore Schönmaier
- Southern Ontario Leannah Riah Fidler
- Divorce Angela Long
- Coquina Heart Lauren Marshall
- At Play Eleonore Schönmaier
- That year of first communion Rebecca Rogerson
- Uprooted Laurie Koensgen
- Moonlit Night Ling Ge
- Ambient Jessica Lee McMillan
- We Return in September to a Question Lauren Peat
- Bunn’s Creek Lauren Marshall
- Waiting Bobbie Jean Huff
- Tow Hill Leannah Riah Fidler
- Four Seasons on Lake Huron Ling Ge
- The Landing of Mars Perseverance Angela Long
#Issue 1723
- Moonlit Night Ling Ge
- We Return in September to a Question Lauren Peat
- Four Seasons on Lake Huron Ling Ge
- The Root Cellars of Elliston Richard Brait
- Polling Station Nash Lott
- Four-Chambered Heart Christina Wells
- Garbage Eve Diane Massam
- Ballad Collecting in the Scottish Highlands Mary-Alice Thompson
- At the CNE, August 1963 Kathy Stinson
- How To Pack for Internment (150 Pounds) Kevin Irie
- Ave Maria at the Huronia Mall, December 23 Laurie D. Graham
- Unbecoming Dagne Forrest
- Unspoken Aubade Dagne Forrest
- By Virtue of the Poet’s Attention John Vardon
- Daisies and Dusk Lilian Brussé
- Not an Elegy Kirsteen MacLeod
- To My Sons: Instructions for My Burial Kimberly Peterson
- Blitz Kirsteen MacLeod
- In Another’s Country Kirsteen MacLeod
- Forever Jill Solnicki
- Untethered Dagne Forrest
- Post-Partum Kaila Gallacher
- As a Tree Elise Arsenault
- Swan Dive Danielle Hubbard
- Missing Jill Solnicki
#Issue 1713
- Prepping the Beds Andrea Scott
- Gazing at Swifts Peter Richardson
- Dear P.K. Page Andrea Scott
- Poppies Robert Bowerman
- On the Bus to the Ferry Marilyn Bowering
- Safeway Bags Play Hooky Marco Melfi
- At Seventy Suzanne Nussey
- Plaza Sign Down Marco Melfi
- Any tramway town Frances Boyle
- Pine Hill, Perennial Frances Boyle
- Patron Gods of the True Faith Shane Neilson
- Reworking My Will Jean Van Loon
- Stardust Apartments Marco Melfi
- Notes on Watching Footage of a Stalled Caravan —Winter, 2021 Peter Richardson
- March Jean Van Loon
- Ginger Bill Garvey
- Full Wolf Moon Jean Van Loon
- Creatures of the Field Frances Boyle
- The World in My Mouth Andrea Scott
- In the small hours Betsy Struthers
- Life By Water Marilyn Bowering
- Address to Six Red Oaks —Parc du Mont-Royal Peter Richardson
- Coffee Shop Robert Bowerman
- Life Skills Suzanne Nussey
- Dreams of the Dispossessed Natalie Hryciuk
#Issue 1703
- Tapestry Robyn Sarah
- Sick to Death Carolyn Smart
- Seven Pounds Bren Simmers
- Once More to the Lake Kevin Shaw
- Load Upon Load Bren Simmers
- In the Medical Building Lobby Café Robyn Sarah
- Late Afternoon Walk Carolyn Smart
- What I Learned from Living Abroad Susan Glickman
- Once More Robyn Sarah
- The Last Good Days Robyn Sarah
- My Father’s Shovel Bren Simmers
- The Greenwood Susan Glickman
- Arboretum Kevin Shaw
- Shadows in Springtime Robyn Sarah
- Revelation Carolyn Smart
- Like Instruments Susan Glickman
- Christmas in July Kevin Shaw
#Issue 1693
- Bracket Carolina Corcoran
- Three Poems Susan J. Atkinson
- My Native Mother Mourns the Queen Melinda Burns
- It’s Here All The Beauty I Told You About Shane Rhodes
- Three Poems Steve McOrmond
#Issue 1683
- Mondays With My Dad Linda Hatfield
- Two Poems Kathy Mak
- Having A Day Ken Victor
- Two Poems Alexander Hollenberg
- the all out joy of jumping Lynda Monahan
- Abecedarian with Sharpened Vision Dagne Forrest
- Three Poems Hollie Adams
- elegy for a groundhog Alexander Hollenberg
- Ah see it all wit’ mih own two eyes! Simon Peter Eggertsen
- Pawatamihk (Dream) Catherine Phillips
- Kiss Me Again Like The Second Time Susan J. Atkinson
- The Love Song of Grindstone Marsh Lisa Borkovich
- Volodymyr Zelensky at Westminster Hall, Day 349 Natalie Hryciuk
- Year of the Tiger William Ross
- Last Fly of Summer Linda Hatfield
- A Mother’s Will Janice McCrum
- Consider the Ear Jennifer Frankum
- Three Poems John Adames
- Three Poems Frances Koziar
#Issue 1673
- Peony Kelsey Andrews
- Solstice Carol Genie MacLeod
- Two Poems Bernadette Rule
- Matins Katherine Decoste
- Three Poems Brenda Sciberras
- Three Poems Jill Solnicki
- Two Poems Ulrike Narwani
- Orbits Anny Tang
- Two Poems Jane Byers
- Two Poems Judith Krause
#Issue 1663
- Three Poems Tim Bowling
- Tuxedo Court Kayal Vizhi
- Two Poems Harold Hoefle
- The Old Saw Meraj Zafar
- Two Poems Nina Berkhout
- Daffodils Natasha Sanders Kay
- Three Poems Judith Taylor
- Two Poems Gillian Wigmore
- Two Poems Janeen Werner-King
- Eau de Vie Kristine Tortora
- Blue Knit Fiona Tinwei Lam
- Two Poems Nayani Jensen
- Two Poems Robert MacLean
- Dead Metaphor Bänoo Zan
#Issue 1653
- Three Poems Michelle Barker
- Two Poems Kim June Johnson
- Five Poems Evelyn Lau
- Two Poems Jamella Hagan
#Issue 1643
- Hulking in the Dream Forest Bren Simmers
- Between worlds Pamela Porter
- The Body Translates an Old Story Grace Vermeer
- On Seeing the Ice Tongs at the Billings Estate Karen Massey
- War and Peace Kim Blatchford Jernigan
- Bone November Sandra Kasturi
- Testimony, March 3 2011 Anne Hopkinson
- She sits down to write the history of rain and suddenly the wild fall into order Pamela Porter
- Birth Crasher Leesa Dean
- Agincourt, 1415 Finley Mullally
- Rebellion Box: Fort Henry, Kingston, 1837 Hollay Ghadery
- Mother’s Day, Kigeme Refugee Camp Anne Hopkinson
- Adept Elana Wolff
- Fugue Callista Markotich
- Black Angus Terence Young
- Three Feelings Walk into a Bar Kerrie Penney
#Issue 1633
- Three Poems Robert Priest
- Three Poems Kirsteen MacLeod
- Anthony de Mello, Seinfeld, the Stones and My Sons Sharon McCartney
#Issue 1623
- Two Poems John Barton
- Luna Moth Kate Jenks Landry
- Three Poems Kerry Ryan
- Two Poems Susan Wismer
- Three Poems Patricia Young
- Three Poems Kayla Czaga
- where we slept that darkest night Maureen Hynes
- Apples Terry Burns
- the bird is elsewhere now Kristen Smith
- Papyrus Tom Wayman
- if life is a bird Moni Brar
- Three Poems Allan Serafino
- Rounds Frances Boyle
#Issue 1613
- Two Poems Richard A. Brait
- The Hollowing Peter Norman
- Caging vs Birding Yuan Changming
- Redlisted, More Data Needed Sarah Feldman
- That Time I Called An Auntie A Bitch Grace Lau
- King Constantine Sets Foot on Crete David Pratt
- #bent water light something Brian Henderson
- Three Poems Susan Sinclair
- Two Poems Suzanne Nussey
- Two Poems Ricardo Sternberg
- Three Poems Karen Massey
- Three Poems Sharon Mccartney
- Two Poems Rose Maloukis
#Issue 1603
- Ayodhya 2020 Sanchari Sur
- On the qui vive on my QWERTY Anne Swannel
- Birthday Balloon Marco Melfi
- When this is over Jen Mustapha
- Latin Class Kieran Egan
- Masks Terry Watada
- Taking the Measure Kim (Blatchford) Jernigan
- Safe U Turn Callista Markotich
- Specializing in the Prehistory of Whales Sandra Kasturi
- Two Poems Sarah Yi-Mei Tsiang
- Selling Soffio Cynthia Woodman
- Three Poems John Reibetanz
- Airing Evora’s Laundry Susanne Fletcher
- If you come Sarah Yi-Mei Tsiang
- Three Ghazals From a Work in Progress Glen Downie
- Siphon Barbara Colebrook Peace
- The Spirit Bugs of Algonquin Park Ken Victor
- Surfing near Tofino Aaron Schneider
#Issue 1593
- Three Poems Mia Anderson
- Two Poems Mark Truscott
- Fish swim in galaxies Kieran Egan
- Falling Into Life with Poetry Mia Anderson
#Issue 1583
- Two Poems Susan Braley
- Philia Melinda Price Wiltshire
- Release Richard Sanger
- Two Poems James Swafford
- Three Poems Zachery Cooper
#Issue 1573
- Three Poems Angeline Schellenberg
- Afterword Angeline Schellenberg
- Two Poems Colin Morton
- Three Poems Bernadette Rule
- Two Poems Edward Dewar
- Three Poems Kevin Irie
- Father Pier Giorgio Di Cicco Enters Into Heaven Tom Wayman
- Michif in public Chase Everett McMurren
- Along Came a Spider Cynthia Woodman Kerkham
- Chimney Swifts Ian Letourneau
- Two Poems Carla Hartsfield
#Issue 1563
- Yes, I Kicked a Groundhog in the Butt Once Matthew King
- Grace and Blood Eleanor Sudak
- Falling In Love With Poetry Pamela Mordecai
- Flight delay with telephoto Anne Marie Todkill
- The Body’s Dues Mia Anderson
- Michif in Public Chase Everett McMurren
- Two Poems K.D. Miller
- Sword on the Road Pamela Mordecai
- Little Girl Blue Jenny Haysom
- Two Poems Pamela Mordecai
- Rim Mia Anderson
- Afterbirth Anne Marie Todkill
- Book of Silence Helen Robertson
- On Not Seeing Roche Percé Anne Swannell
- Judge not lest ye be judged Kim Blatchford Jernigan
#Issue 1553
- Light Touches Kelsey Andrews
- Falling in Love with Poetry Terence Young
- Daily Commute Terence Young
- Blue Pontiac Terence Young
- Younger Than That Now Terence Young
- Daysailing During an Eclipse Terence Young
- My Mother’s Cigarette Case Terence Young
- Just Married Terence Young
- Night Watch Nicholas Bradley
- Sigmund Freud Ponders a Certain Sensation Dave Margoshes
- Waiting Room Nicholas Bradley
- Eye of God Wendy Donawa
- Grave Aris Keshav
- The Sentence I Began Dave Margoshes
#Issue 1543
- Time Looks Like This j tate barlow
- On the Publication of My Second Novel Sarah Tolmie
- Dust Apes Sarah Tolmie
- The Sign of Jonas Amanda Jernigan
- Falling in Love with Poetry Sarah Tolmie
- Two Poems on the Canadian Climate Sarah Tolmie
- Two Poems Vivian Hansen
- On The Pronouncement by Pope Francis I on the Nutritional Content of the Eucharist Sarah Tolmie
- Putting Off Bedtime Sarah Tolmie
- Two Poems Pearl Pirie
- Two Poems Laurie D. Graham
- Instrumental J Tate Barlow
- Three Poems Jason Heroux
#Issue 1533
- Two Poems Susan Vernon
- Three Poems Bren Simmers
- A particular book Sue Chenette
- Devotional Kenna Creer Manos
- Two Poems Karen Enns
- Three Poems John Steffler
- Three Poems Sarah Klassen
#Issue 1523
- Two Poems gillian harding-russell
- What Is an Occasional Verse? Kim Jernigan
- In Winter Eleanor Sudak
- First knock down Sarah Yi-Mei Tsiang
- Tender is the Night Terence Young
- Two Poems Rob Taylor
- Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy/ Broken Heart Syndrome Laurie Koensgen
- Letter to Whiskey Susan Vernon
- After the Wake Beth Downey
- The Kindness of Port Angeles, 2002 Deb O'Rourke
- Prologue to a Bliss State Lisa Martin
- Three Poems Lisa Richter
- Shikata ga nai Lorin Jane Medley
- Comrade Birds Frances Boyle
#Issue 1513
- Fundaments of Salubrious Awareness Karoline Georges, translated by Katia Grubisic
- Two Poems Ashna Asim
- Every Season But Summer John B. Lee
- Another Moment, My Atomic Love Stephen Maude
- Three Poems Maya Tevet Dayan, translated by Ayelet Tsabari
- Stopped in the Qu’Appelle Valley Joanne Epp
#Issue 1503
- Under the Milkweed Moira MacDougall
- Speaking of Zen Maureen Scott Harris
- Dementia and leaving Margret Bollerup
- The Tree of Sky Jennifer Lynn Dunlop
- Dementia and common household objects Margret Bollerup
- On A Thursday On Kazi Nazrul Avenue Moneesha R. Kalamder
- The Bed-Making Callista Markotich
- Fig Sestina Dell Catherall
- A Room of My Own Maureen Scott Harris
#Issue 1493
- Dragonfly Bernadette Rule
- Baby Fat Jenny Boychuk
- Notes on Materials Jody Baltessen
- Ode to the Peach Fiona Tinwei Lam
- Ode to the Potato Fiona Tinwei Lam
- Dazzling Blue Terry Watada
- Regina Street Marilyn Bowering
- Pleasure Craft John Pass
- Permanent Press Nathan Mader
- Coffin Island Marilyn Bowering
- Marco Polo’s First Stop Bernadette Rule
- Little Gods of the Garden Bernadette Rule
- From the womb David Yerex Williamson
- After We Fight About Suicide Jenny Boychuk
- Libation Fiona Tinwei Lam
- Ghost Sleep Terry Watada
#Issue 1483
- December’s Child Catherine Malvern
- Reading Rienzi Crusz: An Elegy George Elliott Clarke
- Passage Tomb Frances Boyle
- The Haunting Tanis Macdonald
- What did you dream about? Rob Taylor
- Crossword Cynthia Woodman Kerkham
- Un portrait oblique d’elle-même: On a biographer’s relationship with her subject Maya Keshav
- Siya Matt Rader
- The Bear Terence Young
- Two Poems John Van Rys
- Spring Daniel Scott Tysdal
- For My Husband on Our Anniversary Suzanne Nussey
- Orion sweeping Anne Marie Todkill
- Winter ‘16 Jesse Matas
#Issue 1473
- Two Poems John Van Rys
- Four Poems K.D. Miller
- Three Poems Sarah Yi-Mei Tsiang
- Two Poems Matt Robinson
- Catch Carolyn Nakagawa
- Two Poems Sue Sorensen
- Three Poems Stephanie Bolster
- Love Six Ways Sandra Davies
- Poems of a Fallen City Lamees Al Ethari
- Two Poems Michael Pacey
- The Reprise of the Prose Poem Patricia Young
- Three Poems Stephen Maude
#Issue 1463
- Two Poems Richard Teleky
- The Dining Room Poem by Another Poet Susan J. Atkinson
- Salt Tax in Tübingen Madhur Anand
- Three Poems Rebecca Papucaru
- Bear Carole Giangrande
- Echame Flores (Throw Flowers at Me) Sue Bracken
- Wishbone Snap Rachel Laverdiere
#Issue 1453
- Three Poems Marilyn Gear Pilling
- Parable Degan Davis
- Dust on Her Birthday Dress Carol L. Mackay
- Afterword Erin Noteboom
- Three Poems Janet Barkhouse
- Five Poems Julie Bruck
- Pitted Nancy Holmes
- Two Poems Kirsteen MacLeod
- Two Poems Dave Margoshes
- Too Strong to Stop, Too Sweet to Lose Erin Noteboom
#Issue 1443
- Two Poems Pamela Mosher
- Three Poems Tanis MacDonald
- Two Poems Rhonda Batchelor
- The Black Fan Suzanne Nussey
- Pace j tate barlow
- Oranges and Pomegranates 2 dee Hobsbawn-Smith
- River Rhône Cornelia Hoogland
- Elevation Rhonda Collis
- Deer Lake on Christmas Afternoon Joseph Kidney
- November, Stormont County Anne Marie Todkill
- 3 o’clock, October Brenda Leifso
- Festival Joanne Epp
- Two Poems Fiona Tinwei Lam
#Issue 1433
- Three Poems Leah Horlick
- Two Poems Jen Sookfong Lee
- Empty Spaces Jordan Abel
- Two Poems Waaseyaa'sin Christine Sy
- Three Poems Shirley Camia
- Three Poems Janet Rogers
- Two Poems Billy-Ray Belcourt
- Six Poems Evelyn Lau
- Two Poems Sarah Kabamba
- Two Poems Lucas Crawford
#Issue 1423
- Literary Devices Susan Haldane
- Jesus Was Here Mike Madill
- Two Poems Stephen Maude
- Lines of Regret Written for Alexander MacLeod After a Too-Short Funeral Visitation Marcel O'Gorman
- Three Poems John Barton
#Issue 1413
- Two Poems Jessica Hiemstra
- Six Stones from Three Collaborators Isabel Huggan, Sharon Black, and Lucy Wadham
- Two Poems Mallory Tater
- Three Poems Sarah Tolmie
- Three Poems Sneha Madhavan-Reese
#Issue 1403
- Wildfire Season Kerry Ryan
- Three Days Before Solstice Brenda Leifso
- Three Poems Matthew Stepanic
- Down something something streets: the 2016 Occasional Verse Contest Kim Jernigan
- Wedding Anniversary Ruth Daniell
- Ballade of the Early Morning Local News Murray Citron
- Two Poems Stephanie Roberts
- Hard Nut to Crack Pamela Mordecai
- Two Poems Alice Major
- Three Poems Selina Boan
- Three Poems Nilofar Shidmher
- To a Spider I Inadvertently Vacuum Up on Maundy Thursday K.D. Miller
- Four Poems Rienzi Crusz
- Comet Lovejoy, January 2015 Deb O'Rourke
- Jenny, September 16, 2007 Murray Citron
#Issue 1393
- Perseids Clea Roberts
- Clearwater Joelle Barron
- Two Poems Mike Donaldson
- Two Poems Janette Fecteau
- In the Offing: for Jill Bolte Taylor Melissa Walker
#Issue 1383
- A Lesson Jenny Haysom
- Three Poems Christina McRae
- Woof at the Door, Woof Marilyn Bowering
- Poems and Approximations Steven Heighton
- Two Poems Kirsteen MacLeod
#Issue 1373
- Restoration Maureen Hynes
- Sad Ontario John Steffler
- Two Poems Bill Howell
- La Barcarola Wanda Campbell
- Two Poems Kathleen Wall
- Two Poems Birgit Elston
- Two Poems Tom Cull
- Three Poems M. Travis Lane
#Issue 1363
- Anniversary Poem Patricia Young
- Barred Owl Jennifer Knowlan
- Two Poems Kate Timmers
- Two Poems Cori Martin
- Seven Poems Michael Prior
- Oliver Sacks Sarah Tolmie
- To A Good Friend Going Katie Fewster-Yan
- Two Poems Rob Taylor
- Five Poems Madhur Anand
#Issue 1353
- Five Poems Patricia Young
- Five Poems Eve Joseph
- August Afternoon Peter Norman
- Two Poems Stephen Berendt
- hooked rug Jane Spavold Tims
- Blue Elephant Maryann Martin
- Homeland Aaron Daigle
- Four Poems Alice Major
- Three Poems Nicholas Bradley
- I Run With You Still Stephen Maude
- Three Poems Patrick Friesen
#Issue 1343
- Two Poems Sonnet L'Abbé
- Staring at a Map of Owen Sound Terry Burns
- Slipstream Kirsteen MacLeod
- Three Poems Sarah Tolmie
- Six Poems Michael Crummey
#Issue 1333
- Two Poems Derek Webster
- Bird’s Eye View Anita Lahey
- Three Poems Robyn Sarah
- Interrupted Catherine Brunet
- Stovepipe Michael Pacey
- Two Poems Peter Richardson
- Two Poems Glenn Hayes
- Three Poems Robyn Sarah
#Issue 1323
- Under Many Stars Sneha Madhavan-Reese
- Condolences, Sparrows Michael Prior
- Twelve Years After My Mother’s Death Patricia Young
- Crying it out: Weissbluth method Kerry Ryan
- The Fisher Michael Prior
- Newborn Kerry Ryan
- Suspension Simone Littledale
- Laundry Day Lindsay Mason
- Letters Left Under the Door Jenny Smart
- Two Poems Richard Kemick
#Issue 1313
- English Channel Lara Bozabalian
- Two Poems Stephen Maude
- How to Let Waves Catch You Jenny Smart
- Two Poems Kristine Tortora
- Blesmish Josh Stewart
- Enough Karen Connelly
- The War Karen Connelly
#Issue 1303
- Three Poems Laura Bozabalian
- No One Can See Your Soul Vanessa Farnsworth
- Sestina Madhur Anand
- Two Poems Kirsteen MacLeod
- The Last Night Laurie MacFayden
- Promise to Algonquin Tamar Rubin
- For John Kliphan on learning, in Chile, of his death in Paris Sue Chenette
- Nine Poems Amanda Jernigan
- Two Poems Susan Elmslie
- An Inquiry Joseph Kidney
- Variations on an Untold Story Robyn Sarah
- Saskatchewan Arts Board Writing Grant Beth Goobie
#Issue 1293
- Three Poems Angeline Schellenberg
- 23rd Birthday Kayla Czaga
- Last Night of My Twenties Barbara Lorraine Laing
- Ply Maureen Hynes
- Small Fierce Fact Tanis Macdonald
- Spun Shrunk Broken Patricia Young
- Three Poems Peter Unwin
- Two Poems Tristanne Connolly
- Three Poems Dorothy Field
- After Josef Sudek’s “Eggshells on Plate” Ruth Roach Pierson
- Bedspread Tom Wayman
- Grammarian’s Love Poem Marilyn Gear Pilling
#Issue 1283
- Three Poems Rafi Aaron
- Missoula Farmers Market Hamish Guthrie
- To the bathroom sink, on a Saturday morning Sue Chenette
- Two Poems Cori Martin
- Poem for the First Sunday of Advent Suzanne Nussey
- Spiral Karen Solie
- Three Poems Alice Major
#Issue 1273
- Two Poems Anita Lahey
- Two Poems Kerry Ryan
- Two Poems Sharon McCartney
- Poems From The Empty Beach Isabel Huggan
#Issue 1263
- Eight Poems Rhonda Douglas
- Mountain of Seven Colours Alisha Kaplan
- Two Poems Mary-Lynn Murphy
- Two Poems Derek Webster
- Two Poems Kim Goldberg
- Two Poems Peter Chiykowski
#Issue 1253
- Ode to an Autumn Leaf Pout Symon Jory Stevens-Guille
- Three Poems Katherin Edwards
- Argument, August Tanis Macdonald
- Three Poems Rafi Aaron
- Eve River Estuary Cynthia Woodman Kerkham
- The Night Our Father Drove Us Through the City in a Hearse Patricia Young
- My Mother’s Funeral Susan Telfer
#Issue 1243
- Piercing Lindsay Bird
- Five Poems Jason Guriel
- Family Dinners: Harvest Rhea Tregebov
- Echidna In The Oncology Ward Meghan Blythe Adams
- Two Poems Lisa Martin-DeMoor
- Gestures Cecilia Kennedy
- Breathless Mary-Lynn Murphy
- Lemoine Point Susan Olding
- Quietus Kate Timmers
- Non sequitur Anne Marie Todkill
- Two Poems Daniel Karasik
#Issue 1233
- Three Poems Sandy Shreve
- The New Baby: A Series of Gigans Patricia Young
- Two Poems Frances Boyle
- Three Poems Karen Enns
- Safety Meeting Lindsay Bird
- Two Poems Phillip Crymble
- Duncan City Hall Dorothy Field
#Issue 1223
- The Girls Julie Eliopoulos
- Bricklayers Youri Cormier
- then winter: a song for Toronto Katie Murphy
- Three Poems Joanne Epp
- A Perfect Idiot Bruce Taylor
- Two Poems Katie Gorrie
- The Recurrent Difference Troy Tymofichuk
- Love’s Undercurrent Michael Crummey
- My Shoes are Killing Me (a poem in nine movements) Robyn Sarah
- Headfirst Louisa Howerow
#Issue 1213
- Three Poems Joanna Lilley
- October Night Isabel Huggan
- On Their Lost Detour to the Republics of Nowhere Elisabeth Harvor
- Five Poems Marilyn Bowering
- Mendocino Cottage Country Madeline Bassnett
- Two Poems Laurie Lynn Muirhead
- Dream: Two Scenarios Branka Petrovic
#Issue 1203
- A Lesson as in Gospel Jillian Butler
- Planting Cynthia French
- The Far Coast Mary Tilberg
- Death is an Old Black Dog Rhonda Batchelor
- Opal E. A. Carpentier
- Scarlet Runner Jennifer Still
- First I Heard Your Galloping Jena Schmitt
- House Blessing Elizabeth Creith
- Two Poems Kerry Ryan
- Happy Heart Day Amanda Baker-Patterson
- 10 p.m., August 16, 2010 Susan Telfer
- On Examining Piranesi’s “Carceri” Nathalie Sorensen
- Mile Marker 82 Angela Long
- Las Frutillas (The Strawberries) Kim Yong-Hi
- Wanderings Henrik Slegtenhorst
- Twilight on Esplanade Street Kim Goldberg
- Two Poems Kerry-Lee Powell
- Post-Ocean Jesse Patrick Ferguson
- Fall Emily McGiffin
#Issue 1193
- Charm Jill Jorgenson
- Patchwork Panes Zachariah Wells
- Four from The Ides Matthew Tierney
- The Greats of Math Colin Morton
- Blind Date Dvora Levin
- Winged & Wind Quarks Pamela Porter
- Firmaments: Charm Nathalie Sorensen
- Truth Mary Tilberg
- Sugar Glider Ken Babstock
- Little Things Can Mean So Much Wayne Clifford
- What Matters, Matters K. V. Skene
- (101 Words of ) Truth (without the u) Carin Makuz
- Sestina: Whiskey Canyon Tanis MacDonald
- Quark Love Poems Anna Mioduchowska
- Why a Bride Wears White
- Ova Aves Thaddeus Holownia (Photographs) and Harry Thurston (Poems)
- Elizabethan Four-poster Kathy Mac
- from Exoplanetary: The artist’s renditions Erling Friis-Baastad
- Quark Songs Susan Tefler
- Sunday Geometer Heather Cadsby
- Two Poems on Atoms P.K. Page and Margaret Cavendish
- Background Noise David O'Meara
- Records of a Rock Ptarmigan (Field Season) Elena E. Johnson
- Field Season Elena E. Johnson
- Dwarf Adam Sol
- Three poems from Host Monty Reid
- The failing of purity Matthew Holmes
- Little Animals Bruce Taylor
- On Thrust and Momentum Michael Lockett
- Ten simple science experiments to test the universality of poetry Daniel Hudon
- Life Science Bruce Taylor
- Blind Hope Erin Knight
- On Rachel Carson Danielle Devereaux
- Index to Modern Plastics Adam Dickinson
- The Poetics of Big Oil Lesley Battler
- Dissecting 158 Nobel physics lectures Sean Howard
- Phage φx174 Christian Bök
#Issue 1183
- Two Poems Poppy Kyprianou
- Two Poems Clea Roberts
- Two Poems Elizabeth Olley
- Waitress Allison Lasorda
- Two Poems Kim Fu
- Two Poems Michelle MacKay
- Three Poems Bruce Taylor
- from John Stokes’ Horse Peter Sanger
- Three Poems Rahat Kurd
- Two Poems Stevie Howell
- Two Poems Rafi Aaron
#Issue 1173
- When I Wake, My Hands Are Gone Cornelia Hoogland
- Four Short Love Stories Patricia Young
- University Hospital, March 2006 Marilynn Rudi
- Two Poems Jessica Moore
- Museum Jeffery Donaldson
- Late Peaches Susan Helwig
- Beloved Richard Capling
- February Bumblebees Christine Lowther
- Two Poems Michael Andrew Lithgow
- Rumplestilzchen Carolina Corcoran
#Issue 1163
- Frip the First David Routledge
- The Last Bee Crina Bondre Ardelean
- In the days before your death, you fed us Paula Jane Remlinger
- I Could Not Find A Poem For The Dying Cynthia Woodman Kerkham
- Proofs Elisabeth de Mariaffi
- Winter of 1885: Woman With A Broken Rifle Andréa Ledding
- Nocturne for a Collicky Infant Tanis Macdonald
- Babel Marilyn Gear Pilling
- Orbit Kerry Ryan
- Blue Monday: Walking the Waterfront Patricia Young
- The Day John Clare Fell In Love (1818) Jeanette Lynes
#Issue 1153
- Fog (Subtraction by Addition) Darryl Whetter
- Up There Carolyn Sadowska
- Snow Squall Field Notes Peter Richardson
- Thirst Grace E. Welch
- After Purdy: When the world was bush Antony Di Nardo
- The “After Al Purdy” Poetry Contest
- Two Poems Dorothy Mahoney
- Two Poems Onjana Yawnghwe
- Three Poems Susan Haldane
- Two Poems Dorothy Field
- Small Town Jaime Forsythe
#Issue 1143
- An Annotated Bibliography of Lies Sylvia Stopforth
- The Annals of Red Jaclyn Piudik
- Two Poems Louisa Howerow
- Provisions: Autumn of 1993 Anne Lévesque
- Two Found Poems K.V. Skene
- Two Found Poems Kim Aubrey
- Walt’s Facebook Updates: A Selection Brian Bartlett
- things you need to know before giving your heart to a poet Laurie MacFayden
- A Poem Jill Jorgenson
- An Incomplete List of Charms Sandra Ridley
- Unlinked Instructions Lenore Rowntree
- Things to Do Ben Murray
- Three Poems Patricia Young
- What I’ve Prayed For Beverly Akerman
- Our Lady of Rue Ste. Marie Sandra Lambert
- You Asked Cynthia French
- Mistaken For Blackbirds Stephanie Bolster
- Eighty-Three Days Angèle Gougeon
- Nota Bene Sandra Davies
- Inheriting the spoons Myrna Garanis
- Afternoon Visit to the Nursing Home Colette Maitland
#Issue 1133
- Three Poems Eleonore Schönmaier
- Two Poems Lisa Shatzky
- Ground-truthing Monica Kidd
- The Back Then, The Here and Now Gillian Wigmore
- Three Poems Eric Ormsby
- Six Poems Monica Kidd
- Three Poems Susan Young
#Issue 1123
- My Wounds: after Miguel Hernández Tom Wayman
- Two Poems Susan Stenson
- Three Poems Patrick M. Pilarski
- Four Poems M. Travis Lane
- Three Poems Shoshanna Wingate
#Issue 1113
- Remembrance Marsha Barber
- Two Poems Laurelyn Whitt
- Two Poems William Knight
- Three Poems Jeff Latosik
- Three Poems Michael Pacey
- Two Poems Robyn Jeffrey
- Two Poems Rolli
#Issue 1103
- Seven Poems Patricia Young
- Moving Day Laisha Rosnau
- Two Poems Maureen Hynes
- Three Poems Jim Nason
- Excerpts from Tell Soraya Peerbaye
- My Crow Changming Yuan
- Two Poems Ian Burgham
- The Master Bedroom Asher Ghaffar
- Four Poems Fiona Tinwei Lam
#Issue 1093
- Three Poems Jason Guriel
- Three Poems Angela Long
- Sea Horse (for M.) Peter Sanger
- Five Poems Robyn Sarah
- Guest in the House Marilyn Gear Pilling
- My Father’s Tongue Glen Downie
#Issue 1083
- Boys Who Go Aloft Bill Howell
- On Schedule Eve Joseph
- Wooly Bear Caterpillar Dan MacIsaac
- Three Poems Heather Cadsby
- Four Poems Andreae Prozesky
- Butts Paul Tyler
- Three Poems Shawn Riopelle
- A Broken Sugar Maple Sheila Stewart
- Three Poems K.V. Skene
- Two Poems Sally Ito
- Cliffed Stan Rogal
#Issue 1063
- matin quelque Geneviève Blais
- Two Poems Susan Gillis
- The Tenants Susan Elmslie
- tout de suite en entrant c’est le corps Jean-Marc Desgent
- Southern Gothic Aaron Pinnix
- Luminous Defeat: A Cento Maxianne Berger
- Two Poems Kate Hall
- The Mandelbrot Letters Michael Lista
- Two Poems Stephanie Bolster
- Four Poems Translated by Oana Avasilichioaei Geneviève Desrosiers
- Aphids Jason Camlot
- Parc des Hommes-Forts Regan Taylor
- Conversation between the poem and me S.E. Venart
- Poppy Men Mark Abley
- Envoi David Solway
#Issue 1053
- Taking It Back Kevin Irie
- Assassination Andrew Stubb
- Three Poems S. Isabel Burgess
- The Forest Evelyn Lau
- Enter, PUCK Jeffery Donaldson
- Vole Verse Jane Tolmie & Ken Tolmie
- Four Poems Steve Heighton
- Calling Back Home Kay Weber
- Three Poems Alison Pick
- Two Poems Madhur Anand
#Issue 1033
- Kerouac Sarah Mian
- Dysfunctional Stephen Bett
- The Point Of Change Elspeth Cameron
- Riparian Zone: for Don McKay Jesse P. Ferguson
- Two Poems Barry Dempster
- Heron Departing Isabel Huggan
- Small Fish Isabel Huggan
#Issue 1023
- Two Poems W.K. Thomas
- Bodyseeds Jane Tolmie
- Metaphysics II Marilyn Bowering
- The Day Turns From Autumn to Winter, Okayama Japan Théodora Armstrong
- Andean Flute Russell Thornton
- Strait Crossing Steve McOrmond
- After the Bedtime Story Anne-Marie Turza
- Psalm of Light Jeanne-Marie De Moissac
#Issue 1013
- Notes From the Wild: An Account in Words and Music of R. Murray Schafer’s And Wolf Shall Inherit the Moon Rae Crossman with participants of the Wolf Project
#Issue 1003
- The Unnamed Mike Barnes
- On The Eve Of My Birth Alison Pick
- The Corner George Murray
- Walking With My Mother at English Bay Stephanie Bolster
- Mother’s Day Mike Barnes
- Bear Sighting, Pointe-Claire, Québec Stephanie Bolster
- on seeing the pictures from Abu Ghraib Erin Noteboom
- Serial Letters Norm Sibum
- Eight From Rome Carmine Starnino
- A Marriage Acrostic for Linda and Ralph (who found each other in Guang Zhou) Robyn Sarah
- Uncle Albert Writes Home From Tadoussac Eric Ormsby
- On the 40th Birthday of his Spouse Marius Kociejowski
- A Poem for Arthur on his 100th Birthday P.K. Page
- Baseball Game, Havana Steven Heighton
- GJ, Gone On Robyn Sarah
- Under the Sun In The Dry, Desert Hills Where The Rain Never Falls In August Patrick Lane
- Hope and Love Patrick Lane
- Lookout Patrick Lane
- Against Retrospection Sharon McCartney
- Ma Sharon McCartney
- Nellie Oleson Sharon McCartney
#Issue 0993
- Candy Salad Terry Griggs
- from Macbeth Nick Blatchford
- Shakespeare’s Version Nick Blatchford
- Homicidal Plums Mary Turnbull Burnight
- Eelings of Regret or The Bonnie Hurl of Eels John Black
- Family Reunion in Still Life Elizabeth Glenny
- Dining With Your Muse Elizabeth Glenny
- Roger Ebert’s Grocery List: A Review Valerie Stetson
- Pantene Pantoum Sue Chenette
- A 1940s-Style Detective Tails, Zwicky Leads Mary Turnbull Burnight
- Tears of the Ambassador Leon Rooke
- Poetic Tradition John Black
- A Future Critic Speaks Ad Hominen John Black
- On Modern Verse Amanda Jernigan
- To Penelope, the columnist who described me as a nervous, too-thin older woman, and my poetry as unremarkable Sue Chenette
- The Business of Poetry or “Make Me Laugh!” Ordered the Furious and Naked Monster J.J. Steinfeld
- What’s love got to do with it? David Maltner-Toews
- How a story made a Little Haenschen and Angela get married Tina Tante
- My Map of the Promised Land Tina Tante
- The Bad Poem Lorna Crozier
- Still Life: Cowboy Thinking of Writing Jeanette Lynes
- The True Meaning of Thunder Jeanette Lynes
- The Almighty Gazes Down On Charles Thomas Connors Jeanette Lynes
- The Three Tenors Domenico Capilongo
- Postal Telephone Blues Sterling Haynes
- The Passionate Stalker to His Prey Sally Bland
- Advice to a Virgin, Soon to be Lost Ven Begamudre
- Side-Effects Lorna Crozier
- Ménàge à Trois Elizabeth Glenny
- Fashion Statement Leon Rooke
#Issue 0983
- For One Whose Name God Knows Evan Jones
- Archeology in Knidos, 1991 Leonard Neufeldt
- weather Andrew stubbs
- feeling Andrew Stubbs
- Leonard to Virginia Claire Battershill
- Disclosure Claire Battershill
- The Check-Out King Mike Barnes
- Of Course Sue Chenette
- Actaeon Evan Jones
- untitled A. Mary Murphy
- untitled A. Mary Murphy
#Issue 0973
- The Ballad of the Windshield Wipers Tom Wayman
- Genealogy Mike Barnes
- On Reading a Life of the Buddha Mike Barnes
- For the Nine Guys Stephen Bett
- Birth Certificate Poem Clayton Smith McCann
- stringing together movements Michael Blouin
#Issue 0963
- The Wanderer: A New Millennium Translation Priscila Uppal
- Turn Away Lesley Elliott
- Imagination: A Conversation P.K. Page & Lesley Elliott
- Unreasonable Light Carrie Snyder
- Sand I Am Carrie Snyder
- Great Lies Carrie Snyder
- The Story Carrie Snyder
- Forgiven Carrie Snyder
- All Good Poets Carrie Snyder
#Issue 0953
- Irving Layton Reads at the Great Canadian Poetry Weekend David Pratt
- All Things Long To Patricia Robertson
- Poetry’s Bottom Line: Towards an Essay on Poetics Robyn Sarah
- Spring Survival of the Raked Lawn Ellen Shearer
- The Trials of Plants in Autumn Ellen Shearer
- Hearts Sandy Shreve
- Excerpts from The Year of the Four Emperors Norm Sibum
- Darkness David Solway
- The Mid-March Frogs Kenneth Steven
- Passenger Jennifer Still
- The Homeless at Twilight Robin Susanto
- The podiatrist pronounces on his son’s divorce Robert Sward
- From beyond the grave, the podiatrist counsels his son on prayer Robert Sward
- This is a Father Robert Sward
- You Know? Bruce Taylor
- Clock Solitaire Bruce Taylor
- Infans Sarah Tolmie
- Salt Poem Jane Tolmie
- The True, the Beautiful and the Good: Excerpts from Undergraduated Essays Daniel Scott Tysdal
- Fish Farm Fish S.E. Venart
- Finish When Unfinished Margaret Avison
- Still Life Margaret Avison
- Metamorphosis Margaret Avison
- Find a High Margaret Avison
- Crown Vaughn Barclay
- Lilacs Vaughn Barclay
- Morning Glories Mike Barnes
- First Stab Mike Barnes
- Abdiction Mike Barnes
- His Surprise Mike Barnes
- Ghost World Mike Barnes
- River Mike Barnes
- transcendental graffiti Brian Bartlett
- on first time teaching “The Tyger” Brian Bartlett
- on teaching The Tempest to first-years Brian Bartlett
- on listening to a first-year student read Bishop’s “One Art” Brian Bartlett
- Earthly Jim Bennett
- Agnostic Jim Bennett
- gooseberry cove Joseph Bishop
- Echoes J.D. Black
- Bipolarities E. Blagrave
- Tilt E. Blagrave
- Am I E. Blagrave
- I Have Loved You E. Blagrave
- House Dream E. Blagrave
- Spring Cleaning Marshall Bood
- Death Brian Campbell
- Once More With Feeling Sue Chenette
- Acheron Sarah Feldman
- Breath Susan Glickman
- Raspberry Jam Susan Glickman
- Crab Dock Kim Goldberg
- A Brush with Death Adrienne Gruber
- In Country Near Elora Hamish Guthrie
- Fall Harvest Amanda Hale
- Any letter standing still and floating Jack Hannan
- Spoon Dance Jack Hannan
- You are the black of night Jack Hannan
- For example, Jack Hannan
- To Room 29 at the End of Time Elisabeth Harvor
- Leo & Co. Warren Heiti
- Parables David Helwig
- The Handbook of Correct Answers Paul C. Howell
- Swallows George Johnston
- Reading by the Pool Desiree Jung
- A Bird Problem Daniel Karasik
- If carefully your father sat Daniel Karasik
- Occasion Sarah Klassen
- August Fred Louder
- Spring Garden Road Fred Louder
- April Fool’s Song Fred Louder
- The Wooden Prince Fred Louder
- Motet Fred Louder
- For John Kendall Fred Louder
- Ontario Street Naomi Louder
- Found Moberley Luger
- Sorrow, then deep sorrow Nadine McInnis
- A low diet and hard keeping Nadine McInnis
- The Ages A.F. Moritz
- Arrogance A.F. Moritz
- Sportsmen A.F. Moritz
- In a Prosperous Country A.F. Moritz
- Wings and Birds A.F. Moritz
- Hazel Barbara Myers
- Prayer, in Pain Erin Noteboom
- The Ponies in the Luxembourg Gardens Eric Ormsby
- Cellar Eric Ormsby
- For the Chickadee Eric Ormsby
- Childless Elise Partridge
- Prognosis: 50-50 Elise Partridge
- Room 238: Old Woman and Hummingbird Elise Partridge
- Tested Elise Partridge
- Airmall Elise Partridge
- My Skeleton Michael Penny
- My Flounder Michael Penny
- Their boy E. Alex Pierce
- A Late Night Walk Marc Plourde
- The Dalai Lama at St. Joseph’s Oratory Marc Plourde
- The Unitarian Churchyard in Burlington Marc Plourde
- Burning Days, Luminous Sky Marc Plourde
- Made in China Marc Plourde
- The Pumpkin Field (Park Extension, 1957) Marc Plourde
- Loving My Sons Kay Weber
- What Was But Now is Lost Kay Weber
- At the Laurier Metro Station Zachariah Wells
- Nimble & Poise Zachariah Wells
- Been a Long Time Zachariah Wells
- He Finds an Acceptable Way to Grieve Zachariah Wells
- The Pond Zachariah Wells
- Back Margo Wheaton
- Misplaced Margo Wheaton
- After Grief Margo Wheaton
- Eden Elana Wolff
#Issue 0943
- Randall Maggs: The Sawchuk Poems Randall Maggs
- Tom Thomson in Transit Troy Jollimore
- Tom Thomson in his Library Troy Jollimore
- Tom Thomson in Retrospect Troy Jollimore
- Rebecca Lilly: Two Poems Rebecca Lilly
- Study for Coherence: Charcoal on Paper Alison Pick
- Study for Extinction: Charcoal on Paper Alison Pick
- Scrabble Alison Pick
- Snowplough Alison Pick
- Hockey Degan Davis
#Issue 0933
- The Mad Rush of Philip Glass Chris Hutchinson
- Where the Rabbits Run Keith Inman
- Night Shifts Keith Inman
- Hypothermia Keith Inman
- Expiry Date Keith Inman
- Every Morning Anne Le Dressay
- A knife so sharp its edge cannot be seen Erin Noteboom
#Issue 0923
- Nisan George Elliot Clarke
- Tantra Michael Dudley
- The Story Rachel Ross
- Leisure Sue Sinclair
- Homecoming Sue Sinclair
- Pelican, Point Lobos Sue Sinclair
#Issue 0903
- Elegy Notes
- Elegy for Jumbo
- Making Love to a Sick Man
- Snip
- Ember
- Communion
- Lolly
- (in the tilling of the land the Lord is)
- (open thou mine eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of thy law I am a stranger in the earth; hide not thy commandments from me)
- (oh let us worship the lord in garments of holiness let all earth tremble before him)
- To the Church at Thessalonica (excerpt)
- To the Church at Corinth (excerpt)
- Dear Philemon
- Sunday among others
#Issue 0893
- poem for a boy who plays guitar
- last night we saw god on the dance floor
- Reading
- Notes on the Stomack
- Notes on the Forest
- The Summer of Storms
- True Tales of the Bermuda Triangle
- If Anything Should Break
- About the Dog
- Tiger Lilies
- Jazz Quartet
- On the Juan de Fuca Trail, Some Time in Late Spring
- False Impressions
#Issue 0883
#Issue 0873
#Issue 0863
- Bad Men Who Love Jesus
- Bad Men Haiku
- Bad Men Who Love Jesus
- Bad Men Who Love Jesus: Prequel
- Bad Men Who Love Jesus or Same Story, Different Day
- Bad Men Who Love Jesus
- Bad men – who? Love, Jesus
- Bad men who love Jesus
- bad men who love jesus/ march 2002
- Bad Men Who Love Jesus
- Bad Men Who Love Jesus
- Bad Men Who Love Jesus
#Issue 0853
- The Only Thing
- Birds
- Dog Days in Maribor: Selected Anti (electric) Ghazals ii.
- Dog Days in Maribor: Selected Anti (electric) Ghazals iii.
- Dog Days in Maribor: Selected Anti (electric) Ghazals iv.
- Dog Days in Maribor: Selected Anti (electric) Ghazals vii.
- Dog Days in Maribor: Selected Anti (electric) Ghazals viii.
- Dog Days in Maribor: Selected Anti (electric) Ghazals xi.
- The Year One
- What is Wrong
- Dormination (death of a Virgin)
- ferris wheels
- the feel of the real
- speechless
#Issue 0843
- the slow boat
- To Walk
- All Around Us
- maple keys in spring
- Madame Moreau
- Bending
- Calm
- spoons
- shifting continents
- drowning practice
- untitled
- Dining Room, Morning After Mrs. Dalloway’s Party
- Lilacs
- True North
- Cot Case
- houses, regina street
- In the Sonora Hills
- Magdalena Dawn
- Death of the Author, R.I.P. Chaucer
- The Death of Al Grierson (1948-2000)
- Moving On
- Algoma Hill
- North Shore, Lake Superior
- The Sunken Road – August 1918
#Issue 0823
- St. Cuthbert and the Sea Otters
- rudeness or sympathy
- stressing the atmosphere
- Upon Lifting Your Eyes
- In Memoriam T.D.
- And From Heaven
- The Phone Rang
- How to Behave
- Murmur
- In Light
- “I Paint the Light That Comes Out of All Bodies” – Egon Shiele
- At Sounion
- Madness
- Freckles
- Not Difficult
- The Golden Pheasant
- Meis Van Der Rohe
- On First Looking Over Chapman Motors
- Epistolary Exhibitionist
- Going on About Leonard
- Well Today
- Big Red Lolas
- White Girl Hotel
- Mons Truss
- Truth in August
- October
- October Cabin
#Issue 0803
- Dream with Antique Vase
- Dream with Broken Glass
- Dream with Missing Camera
- My Father’s Aviary
- Drean with Returning Lions
- Dream with Body
- Dream with Antique Ash
- Sliding Away
- Universe
- I am Still
- The Silver Buggy Handbook I
- The Silver Buggy Handbook II
- The Work Today
- Conjunction
- Travelling Through Bodies
- in the darkness of that same century (for diana brebner, Ottawa, April 01)
- perfect moments of clarity: 20 fictions & one fragment, for diana brebner
- the snare
- Japanese eggplant
- Lake Ontario
- American Windows
- Big Weather
- Wind Carol
- To Sleep in the Country
#Issue 0793
#Issue 0783
- Swimmers
- At an exhibition
- Intimacy
- Impossible Music
- Eden Mills
- Peloponneses
- Dublin
- Sierra Madre
- And The Rough Places
- My Mother Meets Ted
- Departure (Highway to Lake Louise)
- Sitting with my father
- Tag
- The Corn Maze
- Indian Summer, 1998
- On Bowen
- The Distinguished Thing
- Rude Words We Hear at Random
- Prisoner
- Aubade
- Variation on Beethoven’s Violin Concerto
- “How is one to speak with the dead?” -George Seferis
- “What can you believe in?” – Tonja Gunvaldsen Klaasen
- “Why should you turn?” – Louise Gluck
- “Will it go on?” – Sylvia Plath
- “Is it a refusal of desire (at which point, do we not refuse memory too?)” – Erin Moure
- “What is inside the antique eye that photographs you?” – Patrick Lane
- “Is it raining where you are? Are you watching? Is the rain the story now?” – Helen Humphreys
- “Anyone for tea before the night falls?” – Gwendolyn MacEwen
- “Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?” – Mary Oliver
- Convalescense
#Issue 0773
- Yellow Room
- Francis Bacon’s Roses
- In the Red Hills
- Day Lilies
- Headbone
- The View from Lower Snug
- To an Old Lover
- What the camera can’t catch
- When Night meets Thread & Needle & lies down among the bedclothes
- Never wander to the cliffside by yourself, remember Julia
- Before the Moon
- Luna Moth Meditation
- The Book of Moonlight
- Forest Moon
- End-of-Summer Moon
- well wishing
- chinese poem
- Ordinary Smoke
- It So Is
- tess
- I’m in love with sleep
- learning to fall
#Issue 0763
- Adolescence
- Evolution
- Crossing the Line
- The Chemical Properties of P and How to Handle It
- The Cook’s Assistant
- Creature
- Poems Unwritten
- Story
- something thin and hungry
- Passing
- Prayer for My Wife Learning to Drive a Car with Standard Transmission
- Sulphur Springs, Banff
- Catalogue-Shopping: Inarticulate Love Poem
- Home
- Ike’s Place
- Valerian
- guitar strings
- On a Tourist Beach Near Bombay
- Jargon
- Sir Roses
- Flirtatious Webs
- Plesiosaurus’ Rebuttal
- To Patience
- A Wolf
#Issue 0753
- birdfeeder
- midewe
- Variations on a Theme by Cecil Taylor
- Winter Apples
- Bark
- Legend
- convective snare
- categories
- Inland, West to East
- Globe
- Dandelions: Red
- Dandelions: Orange
- Clocks Ticking
- Music for Good Friday
- Shrew, the Untaming of the
- Gradual Impact
- I am a Lazy Wife
- Blue River
- Intimations
- Cues
- Weighting
- Chain Mail
- Patterson Lake (Young Couple with Small Children)
- After Viewing David Blackwood’s Lost Party at Sea: The Sign
- The Origin of Species
- Bois D’Arc
- Reading Mandelstam
- Russian Wedding
- Some Days, Paradise
- Seed
- Poisoned
- Death of a Scuba Diver at West Edmonton Mall
- Sappho, at Fifteen
- A Meeting with Neruda in Toronto
- Another Cruelty
- Canvas
- Paints
- Brush
- Posing for a portrait
- wild finches, august
- avian speciman (at royal tyrrell museum of paleontology)
- bathers, lake winnipeg
#Issue 0743
- Almost Was
- After the Storm
- Imminent, Immanent, Immolate
- Venus Velvet 6557 HB
- The Narrow Lens
- Frozen
- Thanks to Mr. Forsyth
- Attempting Exegesis
- Thompson’s Copy of A Red Carpet for the Sun
- strange cities
- New Recreationist
- The Diary of the Postman’s Mistress
- The Daily
- Upon All the Living and the Dead
- Falling to Land
- birthday
- winter lane
- Elenya’s Fingers
- Waiting for Biopsy Results
- Remission
- The First
- History Class
- Plainsong
- Again, with feeling
- Did You Say Your Prayers
- Elegy for the World
- Bus Ride south, through Sonora State
- Up Above a Northern City
- Sea World
#Issue 0733
- Evening Walk at Jericho Pond
- edge
- landscape with bird, and poet
- Before Summer Rain
- Stones
- Alba
- Ivy
- All the Cups
- This Poem
- insects
- a ritual
- Then the freedom
- Bird in airport lounge
- Excellent Cat
- Turista
- The Dream Car in Your Drive
- The Writing Life
- Working at Home on a Writer’s Grant
- Some embrace
- We have tinted photographs
- Grape Ivy
- Leaf
#Issue 0723
- Tactics
- Entropy
- Comfort
- Dostoevsky
- Arson
- Naked
- Seduction
- Narcissus at the Pool
- Swimming with Apollo
- The Birdhouse
- Like the Birdhouse Itself, the Narrative Is Only Seamless From a Distance
- The Coming of the Birds
- Concerto for the Left Hand
- Honky Tonk Poem
- Spirit Rock, Wiarton, Ontario
- Lake Huron
- Springhole II
- August Sun
- Rain on the Mountains: Ghazals
- I n , .
- Defense of Poesy 1.1
- Articulate Skeleton
- Words In Spite Of
#Issue 0713
- The sea or salvation
- Fuchsias long distance
- Ocean Home
- The Braid
- Dead weight
- Among Shoes
- To My Mother On Boxing Day Evening, 1997
- This Spring
- dancing with bruce (corrected version)
- No Moonlight Will Ever Explain
- Where the Story Begins
- Living Death
- Etymology of a Domestic Squabble or Why That os
- Winter Forecast
- March Equinox
- A la Belle Soeur
- For Gabriel at 6 years, 6 months exactly
#Issue 0703
- Hands
- Reindeer Schmeindeer
- This
- Wild Horses
- the other girl
- dancing with bruce
- faith
- my father the smoker
- High Plains Drifter, Eastwood, 1972
- James Jarmusch, Heritage Film Director
- Before the Rain, Micho Manchevski, 1994
- Salvatore Guiliano, Francesco Rosi, 1961
- No One Explains Things to Dogs
- hypnotic love poetry
- they make us paint our face + dance
- Still Life
- superstar
- another way to Saskatchewan
- The new lovers in Europe
- I’m scared of dying and not afraid to admit it
- Without wisdom
- I’m Afraid to Let My Dog See Me Naked
- Heartstrings
- Dead Reckoning
- Halfway Towards an Entente With Foot Fetishists
#Issue 0693
- It’s All About Light
- Tattooed On My Heart
- The View
- Magnolia Cafe
- Canute
- Talking With The Dead
- Newton’s Third
- Wolf
- Chain Poem
- The Wake of Mealy Peg
- On the Death of Frank O’Hara
- Spring Fever
- The Crossing
- Damp
- Mirrors tunnel past the walls of home
- The Skin You Wore
- The Turning
- Pears
- Church-going
- Seasonal
#Issue 0683
- Prologue, Or Anecdote of the Poem by Robert Kroetsch
- This stone
- where I begin
- a million years older than the hand
- In the field my father thought was his
- the retreating
- what happened
- shaped like the stone
- now the field is mine because I gave it
- This won’t surprise you
- He was
- for the stone hammer
- My Last Poem (Again)
#Issue 0673
- Phone Pranks
- The day Elvis died
- Summer, Small Town
- The Iridescent Lightness
- Genisis
- Heirloom
- A Few Last Words
- Love’s Limits
- Remembering Billy
- Heart Land
- Continental Divide
- Back on the Ground
- What You Get Round To
- The odd drift of things
- Exactly Today
- Anything central tends to become symbolically rash
- Old men on a porch
- Call me after midnight and I’ll kill you
#Issue 0663
- Body Music
- Insertion
- The Nipple
- Organ Music
- Sophia
- Collage o’ Picasso: On Seeing Guernica
- Drawing Skeletons for Kajin Goh
- Wind
- Sheep-Shed
- Friends
- Father
- sestina for byee
- night light
- Ed Albee Enthusiast
- Gravity
- futures
- black ice
- A Hard Man
- Catch a Fish
- Journey’s End
- Day Spring
- sometimes I know the inside of stones
- Grammar
- Willy Billy
- The False Dawn of Mechanics
- Unpacking Donations
- Watercolours
- Midnight Madness
#Issue 0653
- Springing Loose
- Athena Nike
- Open Window
- Reprise
- Postcard View – Other Side of Gulf
- Midnight
- Desert Storm
- Collage o’ Picasso: On Seeing Guernica
- the Empty attic
- What journey is this
- Earliest Memory
- my father’s lives: a portrait in 3 elements
- carpe diem at blue hotel
- One floor below
- Running for Paradise
- and every other word was Love
- Carnal Knowledge
- The Girl Is
- Their Love-making Silence
- Snowfield
- The Listeners
- Learning to Live Indoors
#Issue 0643
- Skinny Dipping at Midnight
- October Love Sonnet
- At the Noboribetsu Hot Springs
- Jazz
- The Enormous Tradegy of a Dream
- Love me, love me
- Ich wille alles
- On Being Commisioned to Write
- Selections From Daughters of God
- Writers
- Kenyon
- Whale
- Thistles
- The Good Excuse
- As Late As This
- Auguste Manet, d. 1860
- Alienation
- Izumi Shikibu
#Issue 0633
- The Day We Moved
- The Trout
- My Hope
- Porthole
- Port
- A Time To Reap
- Backbeat #1: The King
- Grammar Lesson
- Letter To A Young Poet
- Lineage
- At the National Museum
- At the Turquoise Pension
- O Susanna
- Dear Sue,
- Query Concerning Aromas
- The Last Foal
- The Fourth Day of July
- Postcard of Toulouse-Lautrec’s Rosa La Rouge
- Three seagulls
- Revising the Past
- The Anger of Daughters
- Rituals of Mourning
- Visitation
- Harriet
- Dancing at Long Beach
- Stand of Old Growth Beside the Highway: Easter Monday
- class of ’62
- strut
- suite dreams
- Elections, Canada
- I grew up with God and the sad part
#Issue 0613
#Issue 0603
- Yellow poem
- Ruota*
- Warning Signals
- A Disturbance
- poet poems
- Picking Tulips
- Wire
- Three Metaphors for Fear (after a long illness)
- Non-Linear Bridge
- tacet
- Bonfire
- At the Shallow End
- Tar Babies
- For Mark’s Brother Jake
- The Birds in Those Trees
- All Music
- My Son,
- Your Anklet
- The Walnut
- Experiment
- Taking stock
- Ghostwriter
- Cold storage
- Bone of contention
#Issue 0593
- Candor
- Pairs
- Momentum
- Ghosts of West Kildonan
- The Still Life
- fish gardens
- Reeds
- How Like the Ocean Is Our Marriage Bed
- The First of the Boys’ Own Fishing Trips
- The Stream
- Under Ice
- Ascension
- Modern Science
- What Women Do at Night
- Other Measures
- History
- Construction of Flight
- Catherdral Skies
- Night Swimming in Eagle Lake
- On the Road: II
- A Week Off
- Book Shop
- Ocean
- Black Words on the Page
- your cool car
- a supine mountain
- Deciduous
#Issue 0583
- The Curse, 1863
- Bruised
- After the Wedding, 1880
- Another Son, 1887
- Portrait of Alice as Spirit
- Outside the Public Library
- Portrait of Alice as Missing Person
- Covenant in Late October
- Rearranging Bookshelves
- Settling into My Name
- Communion
- Vows
- With a Nod to Verlaine
- The Man With the Split Thumb
- Running
- We Played a Game of Hiding From Our Friends
- Sky Diving
- Sestina
- Moondog
- framing the house
- In My Brother’s House
- Crows
#Issue 0573
- Miguel Angel
- Leonard Cohen: 1
- Vision
- March
- My Mother Loved to Dance the Tango
- The Fatherless Child
- Snake Meanderings
- Accidential Prince
- Anti-Universe in a Drop
- Leave Me Leave My Life Alone
- Blind People Too
- Before the Accident, in Spring
- Marrying the Sea
- Variations on a Theme of Roses
- Questions We Are Not Supposed to Ask
- Heart Murmur
- Adoration of the Mystic Lamb
- inner dialogue
- blessed love
- replanting the heritage tree
- Stones
- Autumn Poem
- untitled
- Fragment
- Magnetewan
- Greata Ranch
- Nietzsche Was Just a Landscape Poet
- Tarot
- Spring Green
- A Stranger Icon
- Coffee With an Old Friend
- Uncovered in the Archives
- all summer
- In the House of God
- Among Strangers
#Issue 0563
- A Sloop Called Fourth Semester
- The Chasms, Isle of Man, 1992
- The Cross
- The Blood
- Talking for God
- Shibamata shrine
- The Gaijin Litany
- A Japanese Christmas
- Sisters, day and night
- Kegon taki, near Nikko
- A habit of being
- Bells of the Clouds
- The Door in the Photograph
- Heart on the Sea of Storms
- Lady of the Bush
- Geometry of Roses
- If I Were Planning Suicide…
- autobiogeography: transatlanticplantation
- MacDonald Bridge
- Sometimes Why
- Thanatos
- Visits
- The Danish Watchman
- Daughter
- Babylon Nights
#Issue 0553
#Issue 0543
- Line Mary Cameron
- Bowls Mary Cameron
- Tales Mary Ellen Csamer
- The Mercy in the Senses Lorraine Fairley
- Love’s Beginning Lorraine Fairley
- Early Walk Lorraine Fairley
- Psalm of the Woman Biding her Goats Lorraine Fairley
- Ornamental Shrubbery Helen Humphreys
- Tosca’s Lover Helen Humphreys
- In Provence Hilda Kirkwood
- For Joe Laycock Hilda Kirkwood
- stone Sylvia Legris
- canadian beauty Sylvia Legris
- Confessional poem Tom Lips
- He objects to metamorphosis Tom Lips
- “Rainstorm at Shono Pass” Carol P. Mishler
- A Sestina for My Father Carol P. Mishler
- Arguing With You Christopher Patton
- Utensils Craig A. Poile
- Foyer Craig A. Poile
- Being Dead at the Movies R.J. Powell
- Gun Siege R.J. Powell
- More Moons Peter Unwin
- The Man Who Adjusted His Soul in the Mirror Peter Unwin
#Issue 0533
- The sound the wind makes: A suite of poems Di Brandt
- Lynch’s Lane Carl Leggo
- Lined Lives Carl Leggo
- A.R.S.E. Carl Leggo
- Nellie Evans Carl Leggo
- Nan’s Soap Carl Leggo
- My Sister and Horace Carl Leggo
- Blue Psalms Dennis Lee
- The hazards of teaching poetry Kathy Mac
#Issue 0523
- another morning Carolyn Guertin
- “One Rule of Modesty and Soberness…” Margaret Avison
- Three Lives of the Forest Debbie Bennett
- Slow Advance Margaret Avison
- Seer, Seeing Margaret Avison
- Courier Brian Burke
- This Old Barn Brian Burke
- Disappearance Brian Burke
- Sadness Edmond Chow
- Bullet Michael Crummey
- The Deaths of Oscar Romero Michael Crummey
- Tsukuba Planetarium Deirdre Dwyer
- the turret Carolyn Guertin
- Adobe Rebecca Lilly
- Night in August Rebecca Lilly
- elemental Nadine McInnis
- walking on water Nadine McInnis
- Thoughts That Lie Too Deep for Tears: An Echo John Reibetanz
- Duets of the Final Act John Reibetanz
- in my father’s house Clelie Rich
- At the Ophthalmologist’s Joan Stortz
- Children of Martha Joan Stortz
- Grey Bull Kibosh (about friendship) Anne F. Walker
- Treasure Coast Anne F. Walker
- Tokyo Light Deirdre Dwyer
- quiet flesh Clelie Rich
#Issue 0513
- Crayograph/Heintzman Olga Costopoulos
- Last Love Marilyn Gear Pilling
- Return of the Deserting Wife After One Year Marilyn Gear Pilling
- Elegy Michael Bryson
- 2-D Jeremy Ledbetter
- The Healthiest of Babies Lorna Crozier
- A House To Live In Lorna Crozier
- Santiago Zoo Lorna Crozier
- Sestina: Riding My Father’s Memory Lorna Crozier
- Two Poems Alanna F. Bondar
- Return of the Deserting Wife After One Year Marilyn Gear Pilling
- Last Love Marilyn Gear Pilling
- Violoncello Olga Costopoulos
- Crayograph/Heintzman Olga Costopoulos
- Goat Lookout Brian Garret
- The True Prince Cornelia Hoogland
- Fantasy at the Back of the House Cornelia Hoogland
- The Little Room Your Hands Make Cornelia Hoogland
- Church Vignettes Brian Vanderlip
- Houseburning Steven Laird
- Planet Fire, An Omen Steven Laird
- On the Disappearance of Mysterious Monsters Tim Bowling
- One Poem Carrie Snyder
- Wind-Egg Jacqueline Bell
- I Am Awakened from Sleep by the Sound of my old Dog Drinking at the Toilet John B. Lee
- Two Ways of Visiting the Beach John B. Lee
- Mother and Son Tony Cosier
- Retirement Tony Cosier
#Issue 0503
- Transportes Unidos John Nold
- On the Road To San Juan John Nold
- Somos Aliados De La Paz John Nold
- Enshrined John Nold
- London, 1943 Sarah Klassen
- Love song Sarah Klassen
- Room Sarah Klassen
- Centre Sarah Klassen
- Pilgrims of the absolute Sarah Klassen
- Exile Sarah Klassen
- Jew Sarah Klassen
- Paris Sarah Klassen
- Revolution Sarah Klassen
- Defense Sarah Klassen
- At the Piano Sarah Klassen
- Eiffel Tower Sarah Klassen
- A reading list Sarah Klassen
- Epistemology Sarah Klassen
- A prairie view of the dark Sarah Klassen
- at allison pass Wayne Keon
- Love song Sarah Klassen
- earth walk talks Wayne Keon
#Issue 0493
- The Treasure Box Ria Tromp
- in a suitcase Ria Tromp
- Cutting a Literary Figure of Every Page Deserves a Good Turn Maria Stewart
- Where Angels Fear to Tread Maria Stewart
- Apocryphal Bread Maria Stewart
- Aurora Borealis Kate Rogers
- Voyeur Kate Rogers
- Reciting what is to be remembered Matthew Remski
- Death poem Matthew Remski
- Roots Laura Lush
- Border Laura Lush
- Immigrant Laura Lush
- Forward Laura Lush
- One Step Closer Anne Le Dressay
- Ghost Cats Anne Le Dressay
- Water-Borne Edward Kuris
- As the Crow Flies Edward Kuris
- Vernacular Louise Chisholm
- The Spinster Louise Chisholm
#Issue 0483
- Night Dance Diana Brebner
- The Moon Diana Brebner
- The Loons Diana Brebner
#Issue 0473
- Heavenly Bodies John Barton
- Homemade Scarf John Barton
- A Lapse Between Lovers Lorinda Peterson
- Light Sequence Lorinda Peterson
- mail order bride Lorinda Peterson
- Ampersand (sea) (tide) Michael Penny
- Ampersand (hunger) (gaps) Michael Penny
- Gautama’s distilled advise Steve Owad
- all I could do was listen Steve Owad
- November Shel Krakofsky
- City Farewell Shel Krakofsky
- how can there be Don Kerr
- there is no sound to sunlight Don Kerr
- Dig No Grave Bruce Iserman
- Adrift Before Dawn Bruce Iserman
- Defiance Bruce Iserman
- Winter Morning Thoughts Susan Ioannou
- A Man Dances Susan Ioannou
- On the Porch Allison Grayhurst
- Call For the Hour To Clear Allison Grayhurst
- They’re coming to take you away, ha-ha Catherine Burke
- Disturbing the dust on a bowl of rose-leaves — T.S. Eliot Catherine Burke
#Issue 0463
- Untitled Michael Anderson
- letters at 2 am Jennifer Salter
- Playing Solitaire chris wind
- Sunday Afternoon in Algonquin Chris Wind
- 1955 Andrew Stubbs
- trips to small planets Andrew Stubbs
- These Bones Jennifer Salter
- History Lesson Christopher Levenson
- Primary Christopher Levenson
- The New House Christopher Levenson
- Instructions for Finding the Cottage Christopher Levenson
- Variations of Silence Genni Gunn
- rubenstein and degas get to work on marla Beth Goobie
- humming dvorzak Beth Goobie
- The Attic of Paper Dragons Karen Connelly
- Times Ago, This Journey Karen Connelly
#Issue 0453
- Love Does Not Equal Physics Michele Serwatuk
- Little One Patricia Phenix
- Last Night Chris Pannell
- Time Travelling Chris Pannell
- Apocalypse (With Jello) Donald McGrath
- Untitled – Sally Ito
- Holy Water Donald McGrath
- The Apprentice Shaman Longs for Dragons Zoe Landale
- The Shaman Speakes to a Student Afraid of Being a Nut-Brown Bloom & Ridiculously Small Zoe Landale
- The Shaman Takes Her Students Shopping for Realities Zoe Landale
- Life Rich as a River Zoe Landale
- Calvaire Sally Ito
- Waterbug George Elliott
- Bliss George Elliott
- Falling Out John Donlan
- the market Fred Canderlaria
- Exchange Messages Barry Butson
- Poems Can Break Your Arm if They Want Barry Butson
- Musee de Cluny Bert Almon
#Issue 0443
- Five Minutes Later Calvin White
- Eight Postcards from Mexico Don Summerhayes
- at the learned societies conference Don Summerhayes
- Just One Second Glen Sorestad
- Mice Jill Solnicki
- Somewhere my father Clelie Rich
- Pity the Dead Jean Mallinson
- The Sheltering Mothers Jean Mallinson
- Euclid’s iron hand Alice Major
- Noises off Alice Major
- Dandelions Dan MacIsaac
- Pommes de Terre Dan MacIsaac
- A(n) M(other) Carl Leggo
- Green Evelyn Lau
- Before Sleep Jean Janzen
- Under the Brilliant Snows of Childhood Jean Janzen
- Irene und die Zirkus Krona Ken Howe
- Let Me Be the One Elisabeth Harvour
- My Mother, My Scalp Elisabeth Harvour
- Hospice Bruce Bond
- Planetarium Bruce Bond
- Grandpa Mona Elaine Adilman
- Poet on Borrowed Time Mona Elaine Adilman
#Issue 0433
- Last Dance Robert Wiljer
- September Rhapsody Robert Wiljer
- Little Wren (Corrected Version) John Steffler
- Paper Planes Patricia Phenix
- Spring Ken Norris
- Spring Cleaning Sharon Nelson
- September Sharon Nelson
- Montreal Jim Nason
- Words to Jim Nason’s Angel Jim Nason
- Not Roots But Stars Jana Karger
- Glass Jana Karger
- Time Out Of Mind Lorraine Janzen
- Learning The Language Rienzi Crusz
- Distant Rain Rienzi Crusz
- Narcissus Brenda Clark
- Insomnia Brenda Clark
- On My Knee Heather Brown
- At the Bird Sanctuary T. Berto
- The Kills George Amabile
- Staten Island Ferry George Amabile
#Issue 0423
- Two Poems Ron Dorrans
- Two Poems Mary Dalton
- Three Poems Jane Aaron Vander Wal
- Two Poems Shari Andrews
- Six Straws Brian Bartlett
- Two Poems Sylvie-Anne Delalune
- Two Poems Kathy Mac
- Two Poems Richard Lemm
- Two Poems Lesley-Anne Bourne
- Two Poems George Elliott Clarke
- From House to Garden: from “Diary of Dreams,” a work in progress (1987-91) Gregory M. Cook
- Two Poems Léonard Forest
- Two Poems Raymond Guy Le Blanc
- Two Poems John Steffler
- Two Poems Libby Oughton
#Issue 0413
- The Fix-It Man Mona Elaine Adilman
- chateau Richard Davies
- scrapings Barry Hammond
- Fly Intimations Richard Davies
- the effect of AIDS on beauty Barry Hammond
- Mallorca 1929 Barry Dempster
- The Painted Life. . .New Mexico 1923 Barry Dempster
- intimations of immortality Andrew Stubbs
- L’Avomatique John Lent
- The Beggars of Strasbourg in the Cathedral Square John Lent
- Two Poems Stuart MacKinnon
- jane, 1553 Brian Burke
- Improvisation On a Line By Foucault Stan Rogal
- Random Cages Stan Rogal
- Thoughts on Moving to Bancroft Lenora Jean Steele
- since you’ve come back Michael Rouse
- untitled Michael Rouse
#Issue 0403
- Two Poems Alison Hopwood
- Two Poems Cornelia C. Hornosty
- Two Poems Michael Penny
- Three Poems Greg Simison
- Three Poems Jill Solnicki
- Four Poems Sandi Johnson
- Three Poems Katharine Bitney
#Issue 0393
- Two Poems William Robertson
- Three Poems Audrey Poetker
- Two Poems Dianne Latulippe
- Three Poems Robert Hilles
- Four Poems William Robertson
- Two Poems Elizabeth Gourlay
- Two Poems Nancy Raham
- for our mothers Jeff Round
- Three Poems Kathy Mac
#Issue 0383
- Countess Brett Balon
- Fraternal Twins Peter Ormshaw
- Elora Anniversary Christopher Wood
- By Fools Like Me Joan Colgan Stortz
- The Faded Poppy Joan Colgan Stortz
- answers Greg Button
- diving Greg Button
- Saint Stephen of the Savannah Paul Kron
- Two Poems Matthew Manera
- Offer a Circular Curse for the Set Sun Paul Kron
- Death Is a 4 Star Production Mona Elaine Adilman
- When It Came Armand Garnet Ruffo
- Daughter of the Disappeared Lola Malen
- After the Hunt Armand Garnet Ruffo
- The run Inge Israel
- On the Bus Gillian Harding-Russell
- When I Was Dead Brett Balon
- The poet’s wife Sue Nevill
- en route to bermuda Beth Goobie
- the very wrinkled lives of all the varied waterstons Beth Goobie
- Butterflies Peter Ormshaw
- Shiva Diana Brebner
- The Golden Lotus Diana Brebner
- please be advised Wayne Keon
- a raven’s trick Wayne Keon
#Issue 036-373
- Three Poems David Waltner-Toews
#Issue 0353
#Issue 0343
- Three Poems Brenda Clark
- In Grey County David Hull
- Two Poems Fred Redekop
- Letters from Exile Janet Read
- Psyche Split J.S. McGill
- Four Poems Hilda Kirkwood
- Surface Readings Jenifer Sutherland
- Three Poems Carl Leggo
- Broken Column For Frida Kahlo (1907-1954) Margaret Blackwood
- Two Poems Evelyn Lau
- Two Poems Mike Schertzer
- Two Poems Carolyn Zonailo
#Issue 0333
- Two Poems Katherine Bitney
- Two Poems Katharine Bitney
- Two Poems Judith Stuart
- Parts of Us Calvin White
- Approaches to Lhasa Steven Heighton
- Three Poems Jennifer Footman
- Three Poems Janet Read
- Goderich Suite Peter Baltensperger
- Two Poems Anne Swannell
- Two Poems LaVerne Adams
- Two Poems Russell Thornton
- Two Poems Leland A. Nicholas
- Two Poems Robbie Newton Drummond
- Two Poems Robert Wiljer
#Issue 0323
- Two Poems Richard Davies
- Roger, Henry Michael Nozinski
- Two Poems Brian Burch
- Two Poems Mona Elaine Adilman
- Two Poems Robert Kenter
- The Sentinels Dona Paul Massel
- Two Poems Kern Luther
- Two Poems Allan Barr
- Three Poems Rienzi Crusz
- Two Poems Harold Rhenisch
- Mirror, Mirror on the Wall Lola Malen
- Two Poems Gillian Harding-Russell
- Two Poems Genni Gunn
#Issue 0313
- Cicadas in the Night Ranney Hintsa
- Words Mark Holmgren
- Mangle’s Inventions Robert Ian Scott
- Prayers Doug Turner
- Two Poems Diana Brebner
- Two Poems Amber Hayward
- The First Time Judith Krause
- Mice Teresa Lloyd Coburn
- Two Poems Kathryn Hartley
- Poem Judi Hurst
- Two Poems John Brook
- no place like Sue Nevill
- Two Poems Christopher Levenson
- Two Poems Barry Dempster
- Where I Stood B.Glen Rotchin
- Two Poems Lesley Choyce
#Issue 0303
- Two Poems Nancy Mattson
- she’s young Judith Miller
- Spirit of Agriculture, 1986 Tim Lilburn
- Two Poems John B. Lee
- Two Poems Ken Norris
- All About Fish Nancy Raham
- Two Poems Patricia Phenix
- Two Poems Alexandre L. Amprimoz
- Two Poems Karen Fogg
- Two Poems Susan Ioannou
- Two Poems K.P. Hateley
- Three Poems Tony Cosier
- Two Poems chris wind
- On Writing Poetry Michael Cardy
- Two Poems John Ditsky
- March 11, Heldenplatz (Heroes’ Square) Miriam Maust
- Fundamental Rhythms Lola Malen
#Issue 0283
- Birds Silently Wait Ellen Drennan
- Three Poems Sarah Klassen
- Two Poems Yesim Ternar
- Two Poems Kathy Mac
- Two Poems Sid Marty
- Wood Mountain Centennial Delores Broten
- Two Poems Michael Penny
- March Song Wendy Maki
- Two Poems Mona Elaine Adilman
- Two Poems Hilda Kirkwood
- Two Poems Gillian Harding-Russell
- Two Poems Bruce Iserman
- One Word (for Mark Garbner) J.S Porter
- Two Poems Ron Charach
- Homage to Horace Eugene Dubnov
#Issue 0273
- Two Poems Christopher Wiseman
- Father-in-Law: A Visit Barbara Rendall
- Thirteen Poems Craig Grant
- A Letter For Amnesty International Lola Malen
- Two Poems John Steffler
- Two Poems Evelyn Lau
- Two Poems Diana Brebner
- Two Poems Peter Baltensperger
- Three Poems Maurice Mierau
- The Man on the News Whose Niece Lived Two Blocks from You Brian Burke
- Foreword Jon Vardon
#Issue 0263
- Three Poems Linda Wikene Johnson
- Two Poems Gary Hyland
- Overdue Sharon Berg
- Three Poems Sandi Johnson
- Sonsonate Larry Towell
- Two Poems Raymond Souster
- Two Poems M. Travis Lane
- Safe In a Country Not at War Derk Wynand
- Two Poems Tom Wayman
- Two Poems Louise Simon
- Two Poems Michael Cardy
- Two Poems Karen Petersen
- Too Late to Cancel It Now Salvatore Difalco
- Two Poems Sharon McCartney
- Women No Longer Talk of Michelangelo Phyllis A. Shuell
- Two Poems Raymond Souster
#Issue 025-263
- Two Poems Delores Broten
- Three Poems Doug Beardsley
- Two Poems Andrew Brown
- Two Poems Carole Brost
- family hysteria Kathy Mac
- Inside Out Penn Kemp
- Two Poems Winona Baker
- Two Poems Kristin Andrychuk
- Two Poems John Bell
- Two Poems Lorraine Vernon
- Two Poems Shirley A. Serviss
- Two Poems Lala Heine-Koehn
- Two Poems Sparling Mills
- Shades of Love Clarence Meinema
- Two Poems Dona Paul Massel
- Two Poems Ron Charach
- Three Poems Alice Major
- Paper Flowers Samm MacKay
- Two Poems Gerald Noonan
- Two Poems Sharon Berg
- Three Poems Gail Ghai
- Two Poems Rhona McAdam
- Two Poems Lesley Choyce
#Issue 024 & 0253
- Three Poems E PLiliane Welch
- Society Andrew Vaisius
- reading jacques derrida, on the beach. Sophia Thomas
- Skating Anne Swannell
- Three Poems Shirley A. Serviss
- Remembering the River Dan Pope
- Five Poems Karen Petersen
- she came through the door Judith Miller
- Two Poems John B. Lee
- Two Poems Steven Gregoris
- intersection gary darnell
- Two Poems Lesley Choyce
- Two Poems Ron Charach
- Two Poems Barbara Carey
- Decline of Faith Michael Cardy
- Riding Summer Robert Burt
- Grandmother Remembers Her Wars Diana Brebner
- i have not decided what the snake means Rai Berzins
- Educating a Pink Flamingo Peter Baltensperger
- Two Poems Alexandre L. Amprimoz
- Two Poems Bert Almon
#Issue 0223
- Two Poems Mike McKinnon
- Three Poems Janice Kulyk Keefer
- Solstice Susan Ioannou
- Pure badness: May day in St. John’s Michael Estok
- Three Poems Katie Eliot
- Two Poems Mona Elaine Adilman
- The Permanently Drunk Brag This Is Speech Tim Lilburn
#Issue 0213
- Rigyo William Knight
- Two Views of Niagara William Knight
- The Ram’s Horn Julia McCarthy
- Breakfast with a translator Julia McCarthy
- One Morning We Awoke Dave Worsley
- Wiccan Woman Dave Worsley
- Each Death Raises More Questions Alexa Winchell
- Blood and Ice John Bunton
- The Peddler John Bunton
- Balanced Breakfast Peter McPhee
- from: Solace Jeff Derksen
- Two Poems Craig Grant
- Five Poems Nona Willard
- The Scapegoat Darien Hughes
#Issue 0203
- The Party Debra VanVeen
- Two Poems Yvonne Trainer
- The Grabbing Wind Ken Rivard
- Poem Robin Potter
- Love Poem Ken Norris
- Three Poems Mary Melfi
- Two Poems Rhona McAdam
- Dream after Separation Fiona Lam
- To Edward Kennedy, After the Shooting of Ronald Reagan Gordon Johnston
- Walker Steven Heighton
- VIA John Ditsky
- Avuncular Dennis Cooley
- Banished to Bermuda Ron Charach
#Issue 0193
- Explanations Russell Thornton
- Princess of India Nancy Raham
- A Political Poem James M. Moir
- The Move Julia McCarthy
- Sleeping Together Wendy Maki
- Fragments Beth Jankola
- Houdini’s wife Barbara Carey
- I can’t believe in morning Kristin Andrychuk
- Romance Alexandre L. Amprimoz
- Three Poems George Elliott
#Issue 0183
- Wordsworth on Huron Alexa Winchell
- Two Poems Leo Toots
- Two Poems Stanley Wm. Rogal
- Two Poems Richard Provencher
- Four Poems Dan Pope
- Four Poems Don Polson
- The Lamp Stephen Noyes
- Three Poems Jean Mallinson
- Four Poems Jeff Hucul
- Three Poems John Foy
- the opposite men Rienzi Crusz
- Two Poems Maria Chodorowicz
#Issue 0173
- Two Poems Lorna Crozier
- Two Poems Roo Borson
- Two Poems Robert Boates
- Two Poems Robert Billings
- Two Poems J.A. Ardron
- Sounding the Sea-Witch Stanley Wm. Rogal
- Raccoon Patrick White
- Two Poems Stephen Reid
- Two Poems John Nold
- Two Poems Erin Mouré
- Two Poems Julia McCarthy
- Abortion Paddy Kamen
- Abundance (for Laurence and Judy) Susan Glickman
- Two Poems Mary di Michele
- Seven Poems Susan Musgrave
#Issue 0163
- Three Poems Kristin Andrychuk
- Three Poems Susan Musgrave
- Our Young Deacon M. Travis Lane
#Issue 0153
- Two Poems Rienzi Crusz
- Today D. C. Flurey
- Two Poems Michael Wilson
- Two Poems John Nold
- Poem Dona Paul Massel
- Three Poems Ken J. Harvey
- Two Poems Wendy Maki
- The Unicorn Beth Jankola
- Three Poems Ken Rivard
- Dust Devil gadarnell
- Two Poems Barbara Carey
- Two Poems Alexandre L. Amprimoz
- Two Poems L. R. Young
#Issue 0143
- Two Poems Lenore Langs
- Combusted Hannah Barnes
- Roomful of Rectangles John V. Hicks
- Initiate Karen Petersen
- Three Poems Jeff Hucul
- Pas De Deux Betsy Symons
- Johnny Seven and the Urban Legend Andrea Nelles
- Ferns, Autumn Kevin Irie
- Mangle’s Zoo Robert Ian Scott
- Two Poems Loralea Michaelis
- Three Poems Elizabeth Woods
- Messages Sheldon Oberman
#Issue 0133
- Poem George Swede
#Issue 0123
- Poem E.P. Merikle
- It Takes Me A Long Time Wendy Maki
- For a Failed Brunette Bert Almon
- Two Poems Julia Keeler
- Plane Passing Overhead Clifton Whiten
- Two Poems Robert L. Tyler
- independance Janet Fitzsimmons
#Issue 0113
- The Farmer and the Horsewoman Donia Clenman
- Boys in Ontario Frank Klaassen
- Even the Dead L. Crozier
- Two Poems Elizabeth Woods
- Two Poems Lesley Choyce
- Two Poems Peter Baltensperger
- Two Poems Don Polson
- ‘Satisfaction Country’ John Nold
- opus 47, a comedy Krzysztof Ostaszewski
- Nicholas Judith Miller
- Two Poems Gary Hyland
- for my sister’s legs Susan Rudy
- Popcorn Clifton Whiten
- Two Poems Jim Daniels
- Arrowheads Rhona McAdam
- Still Life of a Venus in our Youth Lorenzo Buj
#Issue 0103
- Imaginary Love Maria Emilia Sendrea
- Untitled Claire K. Harris
- Poem C. Mitchell
- Two Poems Judith Miller
- On the Second Week of the Fourth City Don Kern
- lone women Sinikka
- Heron Betsy Symons
- Opa Ronald Kurt
- Small Town, Shrinking Zoe Landale
- Three Poems Rienzi Crusz
- Two Poems Nancy-Lou Patterson
- Celebration Stanley Wm. Rogal
#Issue 0093
- breathing the her Noah Zacharin
- Two Poems Don Polson
- Poem M. R. Appell
- Morning Graces David Yates
- Two Poems Sandra Cairns
- To get you off my mind Ron Miles
- Holiday In The Sun Ian McAllister
- Caduceus R.J. Graham
- Two Poems Alexandre L. Amprimoz
- Drifter P. Bosacki
- Two Poems Meg Hancock
- Prose Poem Sandra Cairns
- Midnight; and still counting Rich Scott
#Issue 0083
- Three Poems Kim McTaggart
- in the Luxembourg Garden Jose Huertas-Jourda
- of illiterate princes Susan Rudy
- A Walk Through Wulari Richard Stevenson
- Contact Constance Sawyer
- Two Poems Nancy M. Drost
- Driving a Rented Car in Newfoundland, Victoria Day, 1980 Lesley Choyce
- Three Poems Allan Jevons
- His Morning Paces Myles Keston
- Two Poems H.J. Winks
#Issue 0073
- Late A.D. Tim Lilburn
- White Out Vigil Robert Lawrence
- Two Poems Mary Melfi
- Two Poems Neil Muscott
- Two Poems Susan Rudy
- Ten Thousand Several Doors Rota H. Lister
- Two Poems Alexandre L. Amprimoz
- Live Mobile Richard Stevenson
- Weekend Alamgir Hashmi
- Polished Power Margaret Alice Serre
#Issue 0063
- Turning Back/for my father Paul Edmund Gotro
- Three Poems Gary Darnell
- Two Poems J. Savage
- Three Poems Allison Knight
- The Last Time I Saw Allen Ginsburg Lesley Choyce
- My Sack Poems Virginia Lovering
- haiku Michael Dudley
- Sureness John Ditsky
- Poet’s Progress Sparling Mills
- Man at Stellaco Andrew Wreggitt
- Walking in the Woods after the Rain Alexandre L. Amprimoz
- Rose Window W.K. Thomas
- Smarten Up Margaret Alice Serre
- the pa poems Patrick Friesen
#Issue 0053
- Two Poems Kim Maltman
- Two Poems Dona Massel
- Church St. # 24 David Halliday
- Two Poems Gary Waller
- Study #1: In the Bath Eva Lokietek
- Portrait of Andre at Fifty Tony Cosier
- Poem Drew MacGillivray
- Two Poems Ron Charach
- The Bride: your Employer Mary Melfi
- Five Poems Peter Stevens
- Two Poems Robert Lawrence
- Five Poems Joe Rosenblatt
#Issue 0043
- Three Poems brgoramu
- In a Male Washroom Gerald Noonan
- Two Poems Susan Glickman
- Of Age Dona Massel
- Three Poems Glen Sorestad
- Four Poems Mike Doyle
- At the Hospital Frank Klaassen
- The Permanent Traveller Goes Home John Newlove
- Two Poems Bernice Lever
- Two Poems Peter Baltensperger
- Two Poems Edith Van Beek
- Three Poems Don Polson
- Of the Beast, Hands Karen Wilkins
- 401, 8 a.m. Neil Randall
- Two Poems George Amabile
- Abandoned Farm Gerald Noonan
#Issue 0033
- Civilization Rienzi Crusz
- What’s in a Letter? Donald DeMarco
- Two Poems Tom Moore
- Stripped Moments Karen Joy Seidman
- Two Poems Chris Redmond
- Poem Carol McGrath
- Two Poems Rota Lister
- Two Poems John Ditsky
- Poem Don Hart
- Nowhere Fast Ian McBryde
- Two Poems Nancy-Lou Patterson
- Drinking up the Bait Money Lesley Choyce
- Shellgame Drew MacGillivray
#Issue 0023
- Three Poems Chris Wallace
- Four Ontario Summer Haiku Judith Miller
- Three Poems Kim Blatchford Jernigan
- Four Poems Dona Massel
- Two Poems Ora Wayne Hughes
- Two Poems Rienzi Crusz
- May I Ed Butts
- Water Frank Klaassen
- Three Poems W.K. Thomas
- Two Poems Jane Urquhart
#Issue 0013
- Three Poems Ora Wayne Hughes
- Two Poems Judith Miller
- Two poems Chris Redmond
- Two Poems W. K. Thomas
- Two Poems Frank Klaassen
- Two Poems Rienzi Crusz
- Three Poems Drew MacGillivray