Karoline Georges’ Writing Space
By Karoline Georges
“Maybe they know my books were once trees with green leaves like theirs.“
My writing space is small and packed with too much plants. I can’t help it: I need an army of flowers to assist me with my creative process. Orchids and African violets are all over my house, but there’s also many green plants, from philodendron to fern.
My library seems to interest some of my biggest plants; they grow closer, maybe trying to take place between books. Maybe they know my books were once trees with green leaves like theirs.

In my intimate jungle, you can also find the Queen of my office. She sits on my reading chair while I write and gives me her blessing with her perfect blue eyes.

Another pair of eyes always stare at me while I’m thinking of my next sentence: it’s Jeannie, my childhood idol. Well, it’s the Barbie version of it. And she’s been standing on my desk for almost two decades. On tv, she was the most fun, the most beautiful and, of course, the most magical of all creatures and each time I look at her, I believe I can try to do some kind of magic with the alphabet. And sometimes it works.

Karoline Georges is the author of four novels, a collection of short stories, a young-adult novel, and a book of poems, as well as a number of digital art productions. Her most recent book, De synthèse, won the Jacques-Brossard prize for science fiction and the fantastic, the Prix Aurora-Boréal, and the Governor General’s Award.
Photos courtesy of Yannick Forest.
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