What’s John Adames Reading?

The death of Louise Glück this year and her winning the Nobel Prize prompted me to reread two volumes of her poetry – The Wild Iris and The Seven Ages – that I had purchased many years ago from the famous City Lights Books in San Francisco.  One of my favorite poems from The Seven […]

Finding the Form with Susan J. Atkinson

Kiss Me Again Like The Second Time was one of those rare gems of a poem that start with a tiny spark that instantly ignites and the next thing you know the spark has exploded into a full blown fire or, in this case, a poem. I’d been reading a New York Bestseller Rom-Com, which […]

Susan J. Atkinson in

Finding the Form with Bobbie Jean Huff

I wrote what would become my short story “Generations” many years ago. I didn’t have a lot of confidence in my writing then, but I knew enough to realize that it wasn’t any good. A story about a garden party? Who cares! When I first started writing, I focused on poetry. I’d never considered writing […]

Bobbie Jean Huff in

Finding the Form with Jill Solnicki

In her Finding the Form online exclusive blog post, Jill Solnicki talks about her process, and reveals drafts of her poem “Blue Rooms”.  Finding the form of a poem is both a conscious process, and a mysterious one. Why mysterious? Because, for me, a poem seems to arrive from above, out of air, or from […]

Finding the Form with Colette Maitland

It is in the doing, i.e. process, that I discover a story’s form. For me, form almost always springs from character development. The more time I invest getting to know my character or characters, the clearer the path forward.             Case in point: Miss Touchy Feely (MTF), who appeared in a previous story, Overtime, where […]

A Conversation with Dagne Forrest, Winner of the 2023 Nick Blatchford Occasional Verse Contest

Kim Jernigan, former TNQ editor, interviews Dagne Forrest whose poem “Abecedarian with Sharpened Vision” won first prize in the 2023 Occasional Verse Contest. KJ: Which came first, the form or the subject matter? DF: For me, the subject matter always comes first. I’m usually pulling on several threads of thought and find my way to […]

A Conversation with Linda Hatfield, Runner-Up of the 2023 Nick Blatchford Occasional Verse Contest

Barb Carter, Consulting Editor of The New Quarterly, sat down with Linda Hatfield, who’s poem “Mondays with My Dad” was  the runner-up of the 2023 Nick Blatchford Occasional Verse Contest. Barb: As a former Lead Poetry Editor of The New Quarterly, now a Consulting Editor, I continue to act as a poetry editor and help select […]

A Conversation with Simon Peter Eggertsen, Second Runner-Up of the 2023 Nick Blatchford Occasional Verse Contest

The New Quarterly’s Lead Poetry Editor, John Vardon, sat down with Simon Peter Eggertsen, whose poem “Ah see it all wit’ mih own two eyes” was the second runner-up of the 2023 Nick Blatchford Occasional Verse Contest. John Vardon: You could legitimately be called an emerging writer, now that efforts to purge the term of […]

John Vardon with Simon Peter Eggertsen in

2023 Wild Writers Festival Reading List

LISA ALWARD – Cocktail  Cocktail by Lisa Alward is a collection of twelve pristine stories. Set in the swinging sixties and each decade since, Cocktail reveals the schism between the lives we build up around us and our deepest hidden selves. The writing is crisp and assured, and the characters are vividly drawn as they […]

What’s Ronna Bloom Reading?

Usually I have a novel, a few poetry books, and some nonfiction around my bed. I like to move between them. The novel: Five Little Indians by Michelle Good. This is a novel about five Indigenous children who were sent to a residential school, what happens to them when they are little, and when they […]