Online Exclusives
The 2023 Peter Hinchcliffe Short Fiction Award Winners
The New Quarterly is delighted to announce the winners of the 2023 Peter Hinchcliffe Fiction Award! Winner “Bruise and Shine”by Alex Kitt Runners-up “Prepper”by Meagan Callahan “Singing to the Gods”by Deepa Rajagopalan Honourable Mentions “Harold”by Daryl Bruce “Ms. P’s 5Ds”by Heather Debling “Soap”by Nedda Sarshar “Lemon Print Scarf”by Mina Sharif “Paulina”by Pamela Hensley “In the Western […]
What Pauline Holdstock’s Reading
I’ve just finished writing the final short story for a new collection so it feels as if I’ve stepped out into a wide-open space —no need to spend valuable reading minutes researching the price of chicken, or who was in power in Belarus at the time. I can read like a reader—for pleasure. The luxury! […]
The 2023 Peter Hinchcliffe Short Fiction Award Longlist
The New Quarterly is pleased to announce the longlist for the 2023 Peter Hinchcliffe Short Fiction Award. After thorough consideration, we are excited to announce this year’s longlisted writers and their phenomenal stories. The 2023 Peter Hinchcliffe Short Fiction Award Longlist “Harold” by Daryl Bruce “Prepper” by Megan Callahan “Ms P’s 5Ds” by Heather Debling […]
Finding the Form with Brenda Sciberras
Back in 2013 a dear friend, artist, art teacher, and colleague gifted me a book. “The Art of Mary Pratt: The Substance of Light,” by Tom Smart. It was a beautiful hardcover with colour prints and the story of a talented female artists’ creative life. This planted the seed for my manuscript, “Riddled with Red.” […]
Joshua Levy’s Writing Space
My writing space is full of old things. I have a heavy antique desk rescued from a vintage clothing store in my neighbourhood in exchange for $100 and a bad back. On top of my writing desk sit framed photos that I inherited from my grandmother after she died. The photos used to remind her […]
Finding the Form with Carousel Calvo
How did you find the right form for “Certainty”? I wrote the first paragraph like a poem but it didn’t work, so I wrote it as prose afterwards. I wrote a chapbook during my university years and 4-5 of the poems in there, I suppose, was the impetus to “Certainty”. I wrote about leaving a […]
Finding the Form with Lisa Alward
My story ideas usually begin with an image, a mental picture of something I witnessed or experienced or that someone told me about. For “Little Girl Lost,” that image was a young girl’s sullen face pressed up against a window. My father’s family were related, through marriage, to the Saint John artist Miller Brittain. Once, […]
Matthew Fox’s Writing Spaces
The most important thing is getting the words on the page. The second most important thing is staring. Every writer needs unrestricted staring time, and that’s what I get at Macke Prinz. It’s a bar-café on Berlin’s Zionskirchplatz, a plot of lackadaisically manicured greenery dominated by a church. Roads pool around it, frustrating drivers. Bright […]
What’s Rea Tarvydas Reading?
Superfan: How Pop Culture Broke my Heart is a house book, and I love house books. By this, I mean books that are centered about houses, in which the house represents the whole world. Even when the main character moves away from the house, her life still revolves around it. Jen Sookfong Lee grew up in […]
Finding the Form with Joe Davies
When I write I’m often drawn to that spot where the mundane greets the absurd, and for the mundane aspect I sometimes draw quite heavily on personal experience. “Fifty Dollars” very much fits that pattern. The camping, the uncooperative weather, the feelings of melancholy that can crop up after a holiday, and most importantly, the […]