Adrian Markle’s Writing Space

I’m bad at working from home. I waste a lot of time. I find it hard to get myself into a “work” headspace in a place where most of the time I’m doing “rest.” It’s not that I produce nothing at all, just that the percentage of the day I actually spend writing is smaller […]

Adrian Markle in

Finding the Form with Trish Sissons

Pilots are good for lots of things. They excel at getting you from A to B, throwing good parties, and telling even better stories. I grew up in a remote community on the west coast where healthcare and diverse career options are hard to come by. My dad was a bush pilot in the area […]

What’s Marilyn Bowering Reading?

I have been re-visiting poets, re-reading fiction by the late Rachel Wyatt, and slowly absorbing Thunderclap: A memoir of art and life & sudden death (Chatto & Windus) by Laura Cumming. Mona Fertig’s new book of poetry, Islander (Mother Tongue Publishing), is her first for many years. It is gentle, healing work, the poems plain […]

Marilyn Bowering in

Robert Bowerman’s Writing Space

Because I and my partner live in a one-bedroom apartment, space is at a premium. I do not for example have room for a proper library so most of my books are in e-format. We have devised a system to cordon off the living room with makeshift drapes made from pieces of fabric that can […]

Robert Bowerman in

What’s Nikita Eaton-Lusignan Reading?

I recently read La version qui n’intéresse personne by Emmanuelle Pierrot. The author is about my age and had her adolescence peppered by the same cultural markers as I did. She also lived in Montreal, spent a good chunk of her life on the road, and listens to folk punk (I found myself humming along […]

Nikita Eaton-Lusignan in

Finding the Form with Frances Boyle

Reconstructing how I came to a particular poem and a particular form often involves a bit of detective work, poring through old notebooks and drafts. When I took a look to try and remind myself of the sources for the three poems that I’m honoured to have in issue 171 of The New Quarterly, I […]

The 2024 Wild Writers Festival Reading List

We can’t wait to see you at the 2024 Wild Writers Festival! In the meantime, check out the festival reading list to get ready for our programming. All books are available for purchase through our partner, Words Worth Books.  Perfect Little Angels by Vincent Anioke In this stunning debut story collection set largely in Nigeria, […]

Finding the Form with Adrian Markle

I feel like I’ve been writing this story forever. Not as long as Mark Anthony Jarman’s forty years, but still.  In 2011, I came to the UK for a Master’s degree after leaving UVic, planning to write a collection of short fiction. My MA supervisors dissuaded me from this, though, and told me to write […]

What’s Marco Melfi Reading?

On a recent trip to Toronto, I picked up Catriona Wright’s latest poetry collection Continuity Errors (Coach House Books). There was a fitting continuity to that, as I had bought Wright’s first book Table Manners (Signal Editions) from the same Queen Books shop years before. As for errors, I spilled coffee all over that copy. […]

What’s Nadja Lubiw-Hazard Reading?

One of my summer projects this year was to take a course on nature journalling, something I’ve always wanted to do, because of my life-long love of nature and animals. I just finished the final lesson in Nature Journaling and Field Sketching, delivered online through Cornell Lab Bird Academy, a day or two ago. It […]

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