What’s Robert Bowerman Reading?

These days I read a lot of poetry, short fiction and CNF from magazines like The New Yorker, Granta, and of course TNQ. I receive a daily poem from Rattle magazine and try to take time to listen to their weekly interviews with contemporary poets. Currently I am reading the Palestinian American poet, Naomi Shihab […]

Finding the Form with Ian Roy

I had a stroke a few years ago and it changed me in such a way that I am now the kind of guy who is telling you that I had a stroke a few years ago. Before the stroke, I would have kept that kind of information to myself. I’m a private person—or, rather, […]

On Play: Stories from the TNQ Community

In July, the TNQ Community was invited to share their stories with TNQ. The catch? Each story could only be six words long. Here are their stories.

The 2024 Edna Staebler Personal Essay Contest Longlist

After thorough consideration, The New Quarterly is pleased to announce the longlist for the 2024 Edna Staebler Personal Essay Contest. The long listed writers and their essays are as follows: The 2024 Edna Staebler Personal Essay Contest Longlist “Ian, Luke and Rob” by Wade Bell   “Midway to the Tall Grass” by Lesli Christianson-Kellow   […]

The 2024 Nick Blatchford Occasional Verse Contest Results

The New Quarterly is pleased to announce the winners of the 2024 Nick Blatchford Occasional Verse Contest! Winner “Swan Dive” by Danielle Hubbard Runner-Up “The Root Cellars of Elliston” by Richard Brait Second Runner-Up “How to Pack for Internment” by Kevin Irie Third Runner-Up “Garbage Eve” by Diane Massam Honourable Mentions (to be published alongside our winning poems) “As a […]

Finding the Form with Kasia Jaronczyk

On the Value of Things Every time I fold my pre-teen children’s laundry, their graphic t-shirts, colorful socks, bright sweatshirts, and remember their cute onesies and hats with animal ears when they were babies, I’m amazed at how beautiful their clothes are and how many they have. I think back to my time as a […]

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A Spring’s Hope

The X Page: A Storytelling Workshop about. stories. join. team. contact. donate. A Spring’s Hope by Reem Elkady I breathe in and breathe out as I close my eyes, the crush of the crowd washing over me. I can feel the familiar skin pricks, fists tense as my throat closes up and my breathing gets […]

Reem Elkady in

After 12

The X Page: A Storytelling Workshop about. stories. join. team. contact. donate. After 12 by Sidra Khan It’s 12:45 a.m. The doorbell would ring any moment now. I’m in the kitchen, collecting a plate and two small bowls. I start looking for the fancy tray. This tray could easily call itself royalty, with its unconventional […]

Sidra Khan in


The X Page: A Storytelling Workshop about. stories. join. team. contact. donate. A-N-A by Georgina Fernandes de Barros I stand side-by-side with my grandmother as she kneads the sticky yellow dough. Avó—it means grandmother—throws her entire skinny body into the dough, and the table is covered in white from her exertions. I am four years […]

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Dream House

The X Page: A Storytelling Workshop about. stories. join. team. contact. donate. Dream House by Andruly Alpala When I was a girl, I lived in my dream house on a mountainside in Colombia. My father helped to build the house before I was born. He died when I was nine months old. The house belonged […]

Andruly Alpala in