Writing Spaces: Paige Cooper
Today we’re sharing Paige Cooper’s Writing Space with you! Paige is the author of “Ryan & Irene, Irene & Ryan”, which can be found in Issue 144!
Currently I’m exiled from Montreal and tucked up writing a novel at the Banff Centre’s Leighton Colony. This morning a coyote scooted under my boat, the Elsie K., while I was on deck sucking a hangnail. Being here is bananas. I’m writing in a space that writers have been writing in for the same number of years I’ve been alive. It’s shacky and there’s a corkscrew and some pirate eyepatches in the kitchenette. Focus and inspiration have apparently grimed into the wood paneling because shit is going good for me here, so far. To write I need a candle (see Skully illicitly flaming there on top of Chris Kraus), as many books as will fit, and my murderboard note-stack. FYI, Agnes Martin has some choice words about studios: if you let anyone in who isn’t a certified Friend of Art it’s all ruined, so watch it.

We’re giving you a behind-the-scenes look into the writing process – straight from the desks of our contributors! Check out the full series here.
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