The 2021 Edna Staebler Personal Essay Contest Results

The New Quarterly is pleased to announce the winners of the 2021 Edna Staebler Personal Essay Contest! Winner “Soar” by Chyana Marie Sage   Runner-Up “Wave Any Ward” by Erin Soros   Third Place (tie) “That Other Place” by Kathy Page “The Singing Bone” by Sadiqa de Meijer   Honourable Mentions “On Being Minimally Bereaved” by […]

Mark Truscott’s Writing Space

Above is my writing space. (I have received permission to include this photograph on the condition that I acknowledge that the room’s current state is in part my fault.) Life doesn’t always conform to writerly ideals. Active kids, chaos, and full-time jobs happen, and our house is pretty small. This is our living room, where […]

Mark Truscott in

The 2021 Nick Blatchford Occasional Verse Contest Results

We are pleased to announce the winners of the 2021 Nick Blatchford Occasional Verse Contest! First Place ($1000) “Latin class” by Kieran Egan Second Place ($500) “Specializing in the Prehistory of Whales” by Sandra Kasturi Third Place ($250 each) “Surfing near Tofino” by Aaron Schneider “Masks” by Terry Watada Honourable Mentions (to be published alongside […]

The 2021 Edna Staebler Personal Essay Contest Longlist

The New Quarterly is pleased to announce the longlisted submissions to the 2021 Edna Staebler Personal Essay Contest. The longlisted writers and their essays are as follows: “Saint Vrain” by Tammy Armstrong “The Pull of the River” by Ted Bishop “The Singing Bone” by Sadiqa de Meijer “Soar” by Chyana Marie Sage “Happiness is a Warm […]

Finding the Form with Anji Samarasekera

“Trophy” began as an assignment for a Children’s Literature class that I took in my second to last year of my MFA at the University of British Columbia. I had never written YA Fiction before and wanted to try my hand at composing a piece that would cross-genres and forms–be both adult fiction and YA […]

Anji Samarasekera in

The 2021 Nick Blatchford Occasional Verse Contest Longlist

The New Quarterly is pleased to announce the longlisted submissions to the 2021 Nick Blatchford Occasional Verse Contest. The longlisted poets and their poems are as follows: Frances Boyle, “Ultramarine” Kieran Egan, “Latin class” Susanne Fletcher, “Airing Evora’s Laundry” Marilyn Gear Pilling, “The Day (Long Tall Sally)” Cornelia Hoogland, “Obit for Touch” and “The Leonids follow […]

What is Jody Mason Reading?

I just finished reading Kaie Kellough’s collection Dominoes at the Crossroads (Véhicule, 2020), published in 2021 by Boréal as Petits Marronages. I read Kellough’s Griffin Prize-winning Magnetic Equator (McClelland & Stewart, 2019) earlier this year. I was first drawn to Kellough’s work because of its uniqueness: much of the black diasporic writing from Quebec (where […]

My Super Hero

The X Page: A Storytelling Workshop about. stories. join. team. contact. donate. My Super Hero by Cynara Li The story I am about to tell happened in the biggest train station of Beijing, China.  In the middle of the central hall, I was sitting on top of some newspapers that I found beside a garbage […]

Cynara Li in

A Bouquet of Flowers from God

The X Page: A Storytelling Workshop about. stories. join. team. contact. donate. A Bouquet of Flowers from God by Zohreh I was 21 years old. I was a student in Mechanical Engineering in Sharif University of Technology in Tehran, the capital city of Iran and I was in love.  Yes, I was 21 when I […]

Zohreh in

The Christmas Goat

The X Page: A Storytelling Workshop about. stories. join. team. contact. donate. The Christmas Goat by Scilla Owusu-Amoah I am nine years old. It’s Christmas time in Accra, Ghana and as kids we all know what that means—Daddy comes alive at Christmas time. Today he is playing Boney M loudly on the speakers inside and does […]

Scilla Owusu-Amoah in