Creative Nonfiction Submissions
- TNQ has a range of nonfiction series that focus on the writing life. For most of these series, we solicit works from writers we know and love. If you have an essay that you think would be a perfect fit for one of these series, please submit your work to TNQ.
- Our editors can only accept 50 submissions per submission cycle.
- There are no length restrictions, but please note that the longer the piece, the more we have to justify its appearance in the magazine. We rarely publish pieces longer than 6000 words.
- If you are new to The New Quarterly, consider entering your nonfiction piece to the annual Edna Staebler Personal Essay Contest, where submissions of any length, on any subject matter, are considered for publication.
- Publication rates are $275 per essay, plus a complimentary copy and a special contributor subscription rate.
Regular Submission Formatting
- Online submissions must be in a single file in .doc, .docx, or PDF format.
- Title your submission in the following format: YourSurname_SubmissionTitle (i.e. Bala_Butter-Tea-at-Starbucks).
- You must include a cover letter with your submission. Include your cover letter as the first page of your submission.
- Nonfiction must be double spaced.
- Include a word count at the end of your work.
- Include page numbers.
- Include your name on every page.
- We will accept one piece per author, per genre, per calendar year. Contest submissions do not count towards this total.
- We will accept no more than one piece of nonfiction per submission.
- Do not include footnotes or Works Cited in your submission. If notes or references are central to your project, try to sort out attribution issues before submitting, or in conversation with TNQ editors.