The 2023 Edna Staebler Personal Essay Contest Longlist

After thorough consideration, The New Quarterly is pleased to announce the longlisted submissions to the 2023 Edna Staebler Personal Essay Contest. The longlisted writers and their essays are as follows:

The 2023 Edna Staebler Personal Essay Contest Longlist

  • “Black Hammers Falling”
  • by Christopher Banks

  • “Every Possible Way”
  • by Adèle Barclay

  • “Staying Power”
  • by Gayle Belsher

  • “Threads Rumbling Softly”
  • by Christine Bissonnette

  • “Jailed in a Flawed System”
  • by Virginia Boudreau

  • “Release”
  • by Emily Cann

  • “Vigil for the Vigilant”
  • by Adrienne Gruber
  • “Not Nothing, but Everything”
  • by Monica Kidd

  • “Cantonese Lessons for a Foreign Daughter-in-Law”
  • by Danica Longair

  • “The Words of Strangers”
  • by Judith MacKay

  • “A Trail of Depression”
  • by Karen Moore

Thank you to all of the writers who submitted their essays to this year’s contest. Stay tuned for our winner announcement!

Pride Month Reads

In honour of Pride Month, we’ve rounded up some works across our nonfiction, fiction, and poetry publications which centre 2SLGBTQIA+ characters, stories and authors. These reads will be accessible online regardless of subscription status until August.


“Homebodies” by J.P. Letkemann

One time, we were raking leaves at my father’s cottage, and Ben rushed toward me excitedly. “Look, Jake! Look what I found!” he said. “A butterfly cocoon!”

In his hand, he was holding a pinecone.

To this day, he maintains he was joking.

“Mother and Child” by Dora Dueck

But if I claim the icon’s gravity and harmony for the occasion of our daughter’s coming out, I certainly cannot claim its serenity. She was nervous. She spoke slowly and carefully, consulting her papers, and beneath my held-calm exterior, my guts were roiling as I grasped what she’d said.

A revised version of “Mother and Child” appears in Return Stroke: essays & memoir

“The Plague Came with No Directions” by thom vernon

We kids balanced on the tips of our toes. Ready to bolt, duck, or escape. An attack could come anytime or anywhere. There were always incoming missiles. Once I made the mistake of shoveling an elderly neighbour’s sidewalk without asking the woman first.

“White Sneakers” by Tim McCaskill

People stop in the street to look at us as we pass, and we begin to feel like our glowing illuminated futuristic feet are a bit out of place. Yes we’re tourists, but we’d hoped to be maybe a little less obvious.

“How to Make a Gay Icon” by Kevin Shaw

While Garten will tell you that very cold butter is required to make the best biscuits, the ingredients for making a gay icon are less precise.


“Body of Sand” by ViNa Nguyn

Content warning: fatphobia, body shaming, light body horror

My body feels sluggish. I was excited this morning for the party. Even the thought of my extended family sleeping over didn’t faze me. But these days I often speak of excitement in the past tense.

“String Theory” by Jake Tobin Garret

Your dad’s job is so cool, Sam and Marlon said. He just gets to play video games all day. Kyle had shrugged. He didn’t tell them that his dad’s job mostly consisted of him squinting in front of a computer screen for hours typing tiny symbols and letting out frustrated grunts. Leave it to his dad to make even video games boring.

“Condolence” by Benjamin Lefebvre

…the prospect of entering a church for a funeral after learning how narrowly he’d missed being invited to join his friends for the most awkward-sounding threesome during a block of time in which his sex life had come to a screeching halt seemed to be beyond the realm of common decency.

“Catalogue” by Elliot Gish

Content warning: themes of abuse, intimate partner violence

When you finish, she lets loose a long and gusty sigh.
“So you remember standing in front of a building,” she says. “And?”
You guess that’s all it is, really, although it feels like so much more.

“Harold” by Daryl Bruce

Harold looks down at the floor. “Sorry. I’ve been trying to quit,” he sighs. “I didn’t think it was that noticeable.” 
Roger wants to lecture him that smoking is nothing more than drawn-out suicide. That one day, his lungs will revolt and metastasize their anger. And long before he’s meant to reach his demise, he will lie in the dark of a bedroom, encasing him like a tomb and drown in his own fluids. “Promise me you’ll try harder to stop, Harold.”


“That Time I Called An Auntie A Bitch” by Grace Lau

I’d stolen
her joy, proved my very existence
was sin
yet again.

Three Poems by Mattew Stepanic

Content warning: mass shooting

Our tongues are weighted to hold down truths,
our legs ever alert, and our endurance
innumerable years long.

“Christmas In July” by Kevin Shaw

More than a dozen television
holiday romances will be shot in the capital
this year. Many of them star my nineties icons,
their familiar faces uncannily preserved, oversweet
and taut as frosted sugar cookies.

“Book of Silence” by Helen Robertson

I can’t help but fumble. I was raised
A boy. Pressured by peers to never express
The wrong emotion. “See him there, crying?
Don’t be him or be cast out the same.”

Two Poems by Pamela Mosher

from bloom to brown, they’re cut down, yes. With wizened 
stem nubs left protruding, unsightly, they’re a warning
to others who might think each peak should accentuate
a decline. There isn’t time to bend to the will of fluctuating
seasons. This is the practice of enforcing constraints.
This is a battle of wills

“Michif in Public” by Chase Everett McMurren

I am learning the language as it disappears.
Learning from an app on my phone, that is.

Thank you to our featured writers for sharing these stories. 

The 2023 Nick Blatchford Occasional Verse Contest Results

The New Quarterly is proud to announce the winners of the 2023 Nick Blatchford Occasional Verse Contest!


“Abecedarian with Sharpened Vision” by Dagne Forrest


“Mondays with My Dad” by Linda Hatfield

Second Runner-Up

“Ah see it all wit’ mih own two eyes” Simon Peter Eggertsen

Honourable Mentions

“Year of the Tiger” by William Ross

“The Love Song of Grindstone Marsh” by Lisa Borkovich

“Last Fly of Summer” by Linda Hatfield

“Volodymyr Zelensky at Westminster Hall, Day 349” by Natalie Hryciuk

“elegy for a groundhog” by Alexander Hollenberg

“Having A Day” by Ken Victor

“Kiss Me Again Like The Second Time” by Susan Atkinson

“Consider the Ear” by Jennifer Frankum

“A Mother’s Will” by Janice McCrum

We look forward to publishing these poems in our Fall Issue. 

Thank you to all of the wonderful poets who submitted.