Introducing TNQ’s New Circulation Assistant!

Hi, I’m Alida, and I’m excited to be starting my new position here at The New Quarterly! A few facts about me: I love reading, knitting, and smelling freshly-printed books.
I am finishing up my MA in English at Wilfrid Laurier and as a part of my practicum requirement I was given the exciting opportunity to work at The New Quarterly. I am really looking forward to learning more about the publishing industry and the behind-the-scenes creation of our issues. I am excited to work for a magazine that promotes CanLit and emerging artists.
I started at TNQ at an interesting time, in the midst of a chaotic move. My first week here and I’ve already learned so much: how to process submissions, how to update the website, and I have definitely already excelled at unpacking and organizing our HUGE collection of archival editions.
Perhaps my favorite part of the position so far is getting to participate in the spring reading period for fiction submissions. It has been a great experience reading all of the skilled pieces that come through our office. I am so lucky to be working in such a creative and thought-provoking environment.
I am looking forward to learning more over the next six weeks! Nice meeting you!
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