Online Exclusives
The 2022 Edna Staebler Personal Essay Contest Longlist
The New Quarterly is pleased to announce the 2022 Edna Staebler Personal Essay Contest Longlist! The longlisted writers and their essays are as follows: 2022 Edna Staebler Personal Essay Contest Longlist “Scenes from a Frenchip: my tongue is a home but they won’t let me stay” by sabrien amrov “Archival Record AN1940s” by Kate Bird “The Seventh Pillar” by […]
The 2022 Nick Blatchford Occasional Verse Contest Longlist
The New Quarterly is pleased to announce the longlist for the 2022 Nick Blatchford Occasional Verse Contest! The longlisted poets and their poems are as follows: 2022 Nick Blatchford Occasional Verse Contest Longlist ♦ “January 27, 2022” by Denise Blinn ♦ “Birth Crasher” by Leesa Dean ♦ “Rebellion Box” by Hollay Ghadery ♦ “Testimony, March 3 […]
Chris Kuriata’s Writing Space
My writing space is always changing locations, depending on where I am in my life. When I lived alone, in the basement apartment of a creepy building in Regina, Saskatchewan, I wrote at a round oak table, typing on a computer, usually while my cat, Manna, napped on the warm roof of the I-Mac. When […]
Between Two Houses
The X Page: A Storytelling Workshop about. stories. join. team. contact. donate. Between Two Houses by Leila Safari It was a dark night in the middle of summer; we were visiting our family for a holiday in the north of Iran. We were staying at my uncle Ahmad’s house. But we had finished our games and […]
My Cake Lesson
The X Page: A Storytelling Workshop about. stories. join. team. contact. donate. My Cake Lesson by Tamara Cooper Once when I was 15, I went to my friend Jenny’s house after school to do our integrated science assignment, which was due the following day. Jenny, who didn’t like doing homework, decided to bake a cake instead […]
The Talking Tree
The X Page: A Storytelling Workshop about. stories. join. team. contact. donate. The Talking Tree by Barbra Yeko “Lunch break is done, it’s time to move on!” Chebet our forest guide shouted. Tummies full, we all scrambled to our feet, plates and forks still in hand. Nothing tasted better than pilau rice and meat! “Pick […]
Kate Jenks Landry’s Writing Space
Welcome to my writing room. I call it that, but other kinds of working and living happen here as well — painting, playing, sewing, tutoring, napping. It is also not the only place I write. In summer, you are just as likely to find me working on my front porch. In winter, I often write […]
What is Susan Wismer Reading?
The Wild Silence came to me in a wonderful pile of loaner books from my dear poet friend Mary Barnes. Joy Harjo, Sharon Butala, Richard Powers— hard to know where to start. But my hand went quickly to Raynor Winn’s sequel to The Salt Path. I am a walker. When all else fails me, I […]
Tammy Armstrong’s Writing Space
I live with my husband in a lobster fishing village on the south shore of Nova Scotia. When the weather’s cold and moody with fog horns, my writing space is a small upstairs room. My desk came from a retired music teacher in Lunenburg. Hanging above it are two animally prints. The larger one is […]
What is Kate Jenks Landry Reading?
I’m an excruciatingly slow reader, but that never stops me from having many books on the go at once, scattered about the house for me to dip in and out of as I go about my day. I like to keep a book of poetry in my purse, to be pulled out whenever I find […]