Online Exclusives
Launched: An Interview with Laura Rock Gaughan
Welcome to Launched! The Launched series focuses on new Canadian books by Canadian authors. In the first instalment, Carrie Snyder interviews Laura Rock Gaughan about her new book, Motherish. Laura Rock Gaughan’s debut fiction collection, Motherish, was released last month by Turnstone Press. We conversed back and forth during the past few weeks, as she celebrated her […]
An Inside Look at TNQ
Entering The New Quarterly office for the first time was nerve-wracking. I had no idea what to expect. All I knew was that my previous English teacher had worked with the publication, and that I would now be working there for the next five months. What I found was a welcome surprise; possibly the best […]
Woman of the Drum: A Tribute to Jean Becker and Mino Ode Kwewak N’gamowak
Woman of the Drum For Jean Becker and Mino Ode Kwewak N’gamowak Woman of the drum. You bend the hoop of your life around us. Woman of the drum. You shape teachings into circle wisdom. Woman of the drum. You stretch your laughter blue sky taut. Woman of the drum. You lace sorrow […]
Why I Value the Humanities Wing
I find the work undertaken in this building inspiring and sustaining, and I find the building itself endlessly fascinating to wander and explore.
Ayelet Tsabari’s Writing Space
Writing Spaces When I was younger, I used to be able to write everywhere. Park benches, cafes, buses, in bed. Now, I need my own desk and chair, and I need them be just right. I want comfort, and I want to be surrounded by my things, photos of loved ones and art and quotes […]
What’s Maureen Scott Harris Reading?
Barbara Taylor. The Last Asylum. University of Chicago Press, 2014. A book I read earlier in the year that has lingered in my mind. In the 1980s, historian Barbara Taylor (born in Saskatchewan, now resident in the UK) published Eve and the New Jerusalem, a well-received study of 19th-century feminism and socialism. Taylor seemed on […]
What’s Maya Keshav Reading?
Who’s Reading What? Bonheur d’occasion, Gabrielle Roy I didn’t pick up this Montreal classic until I’d already left the city. As soon as I opened it, though, I was instantly transported back to the neighbourhood of Saint-Henri, and back in time to WWII. The novel follows a working-class Québécois family as they fall in love, […]
Frances Boyle’s Writing Space
Writing Spaces My writing space is – finally – relatively spacious. After our daughters moved out of the home we’ve lived in for 20+ years, my partner and I each took over one of their former bedrooms, abandoning the adequate but far from ideal office spaces we’d used for the first decade and a half […]
Portrait of the Writing Space as a Barn
Writing Spaces I grew up in a barn, a creaky lug of a building almost a century old and sided with rust-streaked tin. To understand the composition and function of my writing space, my office, you need to understand my family’s barn; jotting down notes to compose this reflection, I have realized how much our […]
Loving Intention: An Interview With Catherine Malvern
Barb Carter, lead Poetry Editor, in conversation with Catherine Malvern on her poem “December’s Child,” the overall winner of The Nick Blatchford Occasional Verse Contest for 2018. The poem appears in Issue 148 of The New Quarterly. Barb: Catherine, first let me thank you for your brave, beautiful poem. Each time I come back to December’s Child, […]
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